Time Zones of Nicaragua

Basic time zone concepts

Rules currently in force

Nicaragua is currently observing UTC minus six hours as its standard time. It hasn't observed daylight saving time since 2006.

Time zone history

Source: This information was adapted from the tz database. Zone names come from that database. The names were chosen according to certain rules, but don't necessarily match any names used in the "real world".

Starting DateUTC OffsetZone Name
Ab initioAll places observed Local Mean Time until 1890.
1890UTC-5:45MMT (Managua Mean Time)
1934-06-23UTC-6CST (Central Standard Time)
1973-05UTC-5EST (Eastern Standard Time)
1975-02-16UTC-6CST (Central Standard Time)
1979-03-18 00:00UTC-5CDT (Central Daylight Time)
1979-06-25 00:00UTC-6CST (Central Standard Time)
1980-03-16 00:00UTC-5CDT (Central Daylight Time)
1980-06-23 00:00UTC-6CST (Central Standard Time)
1992-01-01 04:00UTC-5CDT (Central Daylight Time)
1992-09-24 00:00UTC-6CST (Central Standard Time)
1993-01-01 04:00UTC-5EST (Eastern Standard Time)
1998-12UTC-6CST (Central Standard Time)
2005-04-10 00:00UTC-5CDT (Central Daylight Time)
2005-10-02 00:00UTC-6CST (Central Standard Time)
2006-04-30 02:00UTC-5CDT (Central Daylight Time)
2006-09-03 02:00 (?)UTC-6CST (Central Standard Time)

Time zone names

The Zone name used in the tz database is America/Managua.

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