Districts of Switzerland

Technically, Switzerland is divided into 23 cantons, of which three are further divided into half-cantons (French, demi-cantons; German, halb-kantone). The cantons are the territorial divisions. Switzerland is also divided into 26 states. Twenty of the states are coextensive with the 20 undivided cantons, and six are coextensive with the half-cantons. The states are the administrative divisions. Most of the states are further subdivided into districts (French, district; German, Bezirk or Amtsbezirk; Italian, distretto), and then divided still further into circles (French, cercle; German, Kreis; Italian, circolo). The lowest-level administrative divisions are the communes (French, commune; German, Gemeinde; Italian, comune).

Eight states have no districts: Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Basel-Stadt, Genève, Glarus, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Uri, and Zug. I have listed each of them in the table below as if it were a single district.

There are maps showing the districts of Switzerland , and of the cantons of Lucerne , Neuchâtel , Schwyz , Valais , and Vaud . For a map of Graubünden's districts before the reorganization, click on "Regionen/Bezirke" in the index at the left of this pdf file  (and scroll down the page).

Aarau CH.AG.AA190162,071104Aarau
Aarberg CH.BE.AB 20132,579153Aarberg
Aarwangen CH.BE.AW 20241,512154Aarwangen
Affoltern CH.ZH.AT 10140,787113Affoltern am Albis
Aigle CH.VD.AI220133,927435Aigle
Albula CH.GR.AB18218,921723Vaz/Obervaz
Alttoggenburg CH.SG.AT 15,836121Kirchberg
Andelfingen CH.ZH.AF 10225,869167Andelfingen
Appenzell Inner-RhodenCH.AI.AI1600229,467880Appenzell
Arbon CH.TG.AB200136,65270Arbon
Arlesheim CH.BL.AH1301141,70096Arlesheim
Aubonne CH.VD.AU220211,014153Aubonne
Avenches CH.VD.AV22036,21760Avenches
Baden CH.AG.BA1902114,655153Baden
Basel-Stadt CH.BS.BS1200188,45837Basel
Bellinzona CH.TI.BZ210143,912209Bellinzona
Bern CH.BE.BE 203237,436233Bern
Bernina CH.GR.BN18224,937237Poschiavo
Biel CH.BE.BI 20451,20125Biel
Bischofszell CH.TG.BZ200230,55993Bischofszell
Blenio CH.TI.BL21025,467361Malvaglia
Boudry CH.NE.BO240136,332118Boudry
Bremgarten CH.AG.BG190360,464117Bremgarten
Brig CH.VS.BR230123,580463Brig-Glis
Brugg CH.AG.BR190443,782149Brugg
Bucheggberg CH.SO.BB11037,08863Schnottwil
Bülach CH.ZH.BU 103106,719185Bülach
Büren CH.BE.BU 20521,72987Büren an der Aare
Burgdorf CH.BE.BD 20644,385197Burgdorf
Conthey CH.VS.CO230220,412234Conthey
Cossonay CH.VD.CO220420,126198Cossonay
Courtelary CH.BE.CL 20721,977266Courtelary
Delémont CH.JU.DE260134,946303Delémont
Dielsdorf CH.ZH.DD 10466,199153Dielsdorf
Diessenhofen CH.TG.DH20036,11841Diessenhofen
Dietikon CH.ZH.DT 11171,05860Dietikon
Dorneck CH.SO.DE110417,89775Dornach
Echallens CH.VD.EC220519,420136Echallens
Einsiedeln CH.SZ.ES 50112,347110Einsiedeln
Entlebuch CH.LU.EB 30118,817410Entlebuch
Entremont CH.VS.EM230312,016633Bagnes
Erlach CH.BE.EL 20810,03085Erlach
Fraubrunnen CH.BE.FB 20936,525124Fraubrunnen
Frauenfeld CH.TG.FF200442,076133Frauenfeld
Frutigen CH.BE.FT 21018,258489Frutigen
Gaster CH.SG.GA 12,880135Kaltbrunn
Gäu CH.SO.GA110116,34062Oensingen
Genève CH.GE.GE2500403,067282Genève
Gersau CH.SZ.GS 5021,96224Gersau
Glarus CH.GL.GL 80038,708685Glarus
Goms CH.VS.GO23045,111588Fiesch
Gösgen CH.SO.GG110522,17469Trimbach
Gossau CH.SG.GO 28,73678Gossau
Grandson CH.VD.GR220611,950176Grandson
Hérens CH.VS.HE23059,358471Hérémence
Hinterland CH.AR.HL150124,289136Herisau
Hinterrhein CH.GR.HR182312,700730Thusis
Hinwil CH.ZH.HW 10575,791180Hinwil
Hochdorf CH.LU.HD 30259,970177Hochdorf
Höfe CH.SZ.HO 50322,74744Freienbach
Horgen CH.ZH.HG 106104,813104Horgen
Imboden CH.GR.IB182416,931204Domat/Ems
Inn CH.GR.IN18259,3711,197Scuol
Interlaken CH.BE.IL 21137,631679Interlaken
Konolfingen CH.BE.KF 21255,376214Konolfingen
Kreuzlingen CH.TG.KL200535,892107Kreuzlingen
Kulm CH.AG.KU190536,002101Reinach
Küssnacht CH.SZ.KN 50410,83436Küssnacht am Rigi
La Broye CH.FR.BR100121,001174Estavayer-le-Lac
Lac CH.FR.LA100527,631143Morat
La Chaux-de-Fonds CH.NE.CF240238,088104La Chaux-de-Fonds
La Glâne CH.FR.GL100217,607169Romont
La Gruyère CH.FR.GR100337,483489Bulle
Landquart CH.GR.LQ182621,293193Igis-Landquart
La Neuveville CH.BE.LN 2155,69859La Neuveville
La Sarine CH.FR.SA100479,948217Fribourg
Laufen CH.BL.LF130217,17890Laufen
Laufenburg CH.AG.LA190623,931153Laufenburg
Laupen CH.BE.LP 21314,18988Laupen
Lausanne CH.VD.LS2207187,29485Lausanne
La Vallée CH.VD.LV22176,218164Le Chenit
Lavaux CH.VD.LX220822,69079Lutry
La Veveyse CH.FR.VE100712,364134Châtel-Saint-Denis
Lebern CH.SO.LB110742,060117Grenchen
Le Locle CH.NE.LO240314,502161Le Locle
Lenzburg CH.AG.LB190747,607103Lenzburg
Les Franches-MontagnesCH.JU.FM26029,709218Saignelégier
Leuk CH.VS.LE230612,162336Leuk
Leventina CH.TI.LT210310,097480Airolo
Liestal CH.BL.LT130353,89186Liestal
Locarno CH.TI.LO210457,488551Locarno
Lugano CH.TI.LG2105128,030301Lugano
Luzern CH.LU.LU 303157,592217Luzern
Maloja CH.GR.ML182717,585974Sankt Moritz
March CH.SZ.MA 50532,942187Schübelbach
Martigny CH.VS.MA230733,341263Martigny
Meilen CH.ZH.ML 10784,47685Meilen
Mendrisio CH.TI.MD210646,284101Mendrisio
Mittelland CH.AR.ML150215,92160Teufen
Moësa CH.GR.MS18287,572496Roveredo
Monthey CH.VS.MO230833,349257Monthey
Morges CH.VD.MO220966,901108Morges
Moudon CH.VD.MD221012,027120Moudon
Moutier CH.BE.MT 21423,291219Moutier
Münchwilen CH.TG.MW200634,814157Münchwilen
Muri CH.AG.MU190827,558139Muri
Neuchâtel CH.NE.NE240450,18589Neuchâtel
Neutoggenburg CH.SG.NT 15,047103Wattwil
Nidau CH.BE.ND 21638,14386Nidau
Nidwalden CH.NW.NW 70037,657276Stans
Niedersimmental CH.BE.NS 21721,438306Wimmis
Nyon CH.VD.NY221161,005232Nyon
Oberhasli CH.BE.OH 2188,189550Meiringen
Oberklettgau CH.SH.OK14014,37242Neunkirch
Oberrheintal CH.SG.OR 26,71297Altstätten
Obersimmental CH.BE.OS 2198,235334Zweisimmen
Obertoggenburg CH.SG.OT 11,779224Ebnat-Kappel
Obwalden CH.OW.OW 60032,225491Sarnen
Olten CH.SO.OL110848,93581Olten
Orbe CH.VD.OB221218,883210Orbe
Oron CH.VD.OR22139,88876Oron-la-Ville
Payerne CH.VD.PA221413,932108Payerne
Pays-d'Enhaut CH.VD.PE22154,465186Château-d'Oex
Pfäffikon CH.ZH.PF 10849,256164Pfäffikon
Plessur CH.GR.PS182937,771267Chur
Porrentruy CH.JU.PO260324,163317Porrentruy
Prättigau/Davos CH.GR.PD183026,779824Davos
Raron CH.VS.RA230910,859398Raron
Reiat CH.SH.RE14027,43139Thayngen
Rheinfelden CH.AG.RF190936,638112Rheinfelden
Riviera CH.TI.RI210711,511166Biasca
Rolle CH.VD.RO221610,96444Rolle
Rorschach CH.SG.RS 34,55750Rorschach
Saanen CH.BE.SA 2208,438241Saanen
Saint-Maurice CH.VS.SM231010,834191Saint-Maurice
Sankt Gallen CH.SG.SG 80,34571Sankt Gallen
Sargans CH.SG.SA 35,176518Sargans
Schaffhausen CH.SH.SH140349,481101Schaffhausen
Schleitheim CH.SH.SM14043,03444Schleitheim
Schwarzenburg CH.BE.SB 2219,975157Schwarzenburg
Schwyz CH.SZ.SZ 50647,416507Schwyz
See CH.SG.SE 43,781111Jona
Seftigen CH.BE.ST 22234,660189Seftigen
Sense CH.FR.SI100628,273265Tafers
Sierre CH.VS.SR231140,469419Sierre
Signau CH.BE.SN 22324,815320Signau
Sion CH.VS.SI231236,819126Sion
Sissach CH.BL.SS130430,849141Sissach
Solothurn CH.SO.SO110915,2136Solothurn
Steckborn CH.TG.SB200717,063138Steckborn
Stein CH.SH.ST14054,94131Stein am Rhein
Sursee CH.LU.SS 30462,225287Sursee
Surselva CH.GR.SS183122,1661,261Ilanz
Thal CH.SO.TH110214,204139Balsthal
Thierstein CH.SO.TS111013,416102Breitenbach
Thun CH.BE.TH 22487,825267Thun
Trachselwald CH.BE.TW 22523,730191Trachselwald
Unterklettgau CH.SH.UK14064,29341Hallau
Unterrheintal CH.SG.UR 40,79151Widnau
Untertoggenburg CH.SG.UT 37,231107Uzwil
Uri CH.UR.UR 40035,4871,077Altdorf
Uster CH.ZH.US 109103,534112Uster
Val-de-Ruz CH.NE.VR240514,198128Cernier
Val-de-Travers CH.NE.VT240612,34488Môtiers
Vallemaggia CH.TI.VM21085,709569Maggia
Vevey CH.VD.VE221865,51297Vevey
Visp CH.VS.VI231327,322835Visp
Vorderland CH.AR.VL150313,52746Heiden
Waldenburg CH.BL.WB130514,984105Waldenburg
Wangen CH.BE.WG 22626,162129Wangen an der Aare
Wasseramt CH.SO.WA110646,58177Zuchwil
Weinfelden CH.TG.WF200824,111124Weinfelden
Werdenberg CH.SG.WB 32,799206Buchs
Wil CH.SG.WI 31,93980Wil
Willisau CH.LU.WS 30546,753337Willisau
Winterthur CH.ZH.WT 110133,245251Winterthur
Yverdon CH.VD.YV221933,842157Yverdon-les-Bains
Zofingen CH.AG.ZF191057,731142Zofingen
Zug CH.ZG.ZG 90097,758239Zug
Zürich CH.ZH.ZH 112336,82288Zürich
Zurzach CH.AG.ZZ191130,200130Zurzach

Change history:

  1. 1994-01-01: Laufen district transferred from Bern canton to Basel-Landschaft canton.
  2. 1999-07-01: Districts of Schaffhausen canton lost their legal standing. However, they continue to appear in publications of the Swiss Statistics Office, so I have retained them in this list.
  3. 2001-01-01: Districts of Graubünden canton reorganized as a result of a plebiscite. Heinzenberg district merged with Hinterrhein; Münstertal district merged with Inn; Oberlandquart and Unterlandquart districts repartitioned to form Landquart and Prättigau/Davos (probably part of Unterlandquart was removed and attached to Oberlandquart, with the remainder of Unterlandquart becoming Landquart); Glenner and Vorderrhein districts merged to form Surselva. (Based on information received from Karem Abdalla.)
  4. 2003-01-01: Sankt Gallen canton was reorganized from fourteen districts into eight Wahlkreise (constituencies or electoral districts). Gaster and See districts merged to form See-Gaster constituency; Gossau and Sankt Gallen merged to form Sankt Gallen; Oberrheintal and Unterrheintal merged to form Rheintal; Wil and Untertoggenburg merged to form Wil; Alttoggenburg, Neutoggenburg, and Obertoggenburg merged to form Toggenburg; Rorschach, Sargans, and Werdenberg changed from districts to constituencies; name of Sargans changed to Sarganserland; Eggersriet commune moved from Rorschach to Sankt Gallen; Thal commune moved from Rheintal to Rorschach; Ganterschwil and Mogelsberg communes moved from Wil to Toggenburg. The new divisions of Sankt Gallen canton are listed below; populations and areas are not available.
Sankt GallenCH.SG.ST1721

Other names of districts:

When the name of a district is the same as the name of a canton, or the capital of a canton, its variant names will also be the same. In many cases the variant names can be found in "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries".

  1. Biel: Bienne (French)
  2. Lac: See (German)
  3. Glenner: Glogn (Romansh)
  4. Maloja: Maloggia (Italian)
  5. Münstertal: Val Monastero, Val Müstair (Italian)
  6. Sierre: Siders (German)
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