Côte d'Ivoire has been reorganized so that the secondary divisions are now 31 regions and two autonomous
FIPS Publication Change Notice No. 10, affecting FIPS PUB 10-4, was issued on 2006-03-23. It assigns new
FIPS codes to the current Ivorian regions, superseding the department codes formerly in effect.
Change Notice 7 to FIPS PUB 10-4 is dated 2002-01-10. It lists the eight new departments which were created
in Côte d'Ivoire around 1998.
Region | HASC | Population | Capital |
Abidjan | CI.AB.AB | 4,707,404 | Abidjan |
Agnéby-Tiassa | CI.LN.AT | 606,852 | Agboville |
Bafing | CI.WB.BF | 183,047 | Touba |
Bagoué | CI.SV.BG | 375,687 | Boundiali |
Bélier | CI.LA.BL | 346,768 | Yamoussoukro |
Béré | CI.WB.BR | 389,758 | Mankono |
Bounkani | CI.ZA.BK | 267,167 | Bouna |
Cavally | CI.MN.CV | 459,964 | Guiglo |
Folon | CI.DE.FO | 96,415 | Minignan |
Gbeke | CI.VB.GE | 1,010,849 | Bouaké |
Gbôkle | CI.BA.GL | 400,798 | Sassandra |
Gôh | CI.GD.GH | 876,117 | Gagnoa |
Gontougo | CI.ZA.GT | 667,185 | Bondoukou |
Grands Ponts | CI.LN.GP | 356,495 | Dabou |
Guémon | CI.MN.GM | 919,392 | Duékoué |
Hambol | CI.VB.HB | 429,977 | Katiola |
Haut-Sassandra | CI.SM.HS | 1,430,960 | Daloa |
Iffou | CI.LA.IF | 311,642 | Daoukro |
Indénié-Djuablin | CI.CM.ID | 560,432 | Abengourou |
Kabadougou | CI.DE.KB | 193,364 | Odienné |
La Mé (Massan) | CI.LN.ME | 514,700 | Adzopé |
Lôh-Djiboua | CI.GD.LD | 729,169 | Divo |
Marahoué | CI.SM.MH | 862,344 | Bouaflé |
Moronou | CI.LA.MN | 352,616 | Bongouanou |
Nawa | CI.BA.NW | 1,053,084 | Soubré |
N'zi | CI.LA.NZ | 247,578 | Dimbokro |
Poro | CI.SV.PR | 763,852 | Korhogo |
San-Pédro | CI.BA.SP | 826,666 | San-Pédro |
Sud-Comoé | CI.CM.SC | 642,620 | Aboisso |
Tchologo | CI.SV.TL | 467,958 | Ferkessédougou |
Tonkpi | CI.MN.TP | 992,564 | Man |
Worodougou | CI.WB.WR | 272,334 | Séguéla |
Yamoussoukro | CI.YM.YM | 355,573 | Yamoussoukro |
Change history:
- ~1970: Côte d'Ivoire was subdivided into 24 departments.
- ~1974: Bouna department split from Bondoukou; Dabakala department split from Katiola. The 1975 census
reported populations for the following divisions, separating two communes from their departments:
Division | Typ | Population |
Abengourou | d | 175,891 |
Abidjan | c | 685,828 |
Abidjan | d | 702,492 |
Aboisso | d | 146,876 |
Adzopé | d | 159,502 |
Agboville | d | 140,250 |
Biankouma | d | 74,408 |
Bondoukou | d | 293,838 |
Bouaflé | d | 265,875 |
Bouaké | c | 173,248 |
Bouaké | d | 632,111 |
Bouna | d | 77,232 |
Boundiali | d | 132,160 |
Dabakala | d | 55,356 |
Daloa | d | 367,414 |
Danané | d | 169,589 |
Dimbokro | d | 478,054 |
Divo | d | 275,171 |
Ferkéssédougou | d | 90,901 |
Gagnoa | d | 256,006 |
Guiglo | d | 135,252 |
Katiola | d | 75,909 |
Korhogo | d | 276,846 |
Man | d | 277,648 |
Odienné | d | 124,196 |
Sassandra | d | 195,620 |
Séguéla | d | 157,644 |
Touba | d | 77,696 |
Total | | 6,673,013 |
- Typ: c = commune, d = département.
- Population: 1975-04-30 provisional
census results.
- ~1980: Bongouanou department split from Dimbokro; Issia split from Daloa; Lakota split from Divo;
Mankono split from Séguéla; Oumé split from Gagnoa; Soubré split from Sassandra; Tengréla split from
Boundiali; Zuénoula split from Bouaflé. At this stage, FIPS codes were assigned to the departments.
- ~1988: New departments were created. The FIPS codes of departments that lost part of their territory
were changed to reflect that fact. (The former FIPS codes of those departments are shown in parentheses.)
Grand-Lahou and Tiassalé split from Abidjan (IV02); Tanda split from Bondoukou (IV08); Sinfra split from
Bouaflé (IV09); Béoumi, Mbahiakro, Sakassou, Toumodi, and Yamoussoukro split from Bouaké (IV10); Vavoua
split from Daloa (IV13); Daoukro split from Dimbokro (IV15); Duékoué split from Guiglo (IV19); Bangolo split
from Man (IV22); San-Pédro and Tabou split from Sassandra (IV24).
- ~1995: Agnibilékrou department split from Abengourou (IV01). The following table shows the 50
departments of Côte d'Ivoire at that time.
Department | ISO | FIPS | Population | Area(km.²) |
Abengourou | ABE | IV59 | 311,500 | 5,200 |
Abidjan | ABI | IV35 | 3,624,800 | 8,550 |
Aboisso | ABO | IV04 | 328,500 | 6,250 |
Adzopé | ADZ | IV05 | 345,100 | 5,230 |
Agboville | AGB | IV06 | 296,300 | 3,850 |
Agnibilékrou | AGN | IV60 | 122,700 | 1,700 |
Bangolo | BAN | IV36 | 166,900 | 2,060 |
Béoumi | BEO | IV37 | 132,400 | 2,860 |
Biankouma | BIA | IV07 | 144,600 | 4,950 |
Bondoukou | BON | IV38 | 255,400 | 10,040 |
Bongouanou | BAN | IV27 | 327,800 | 5,570 |
Bouaflé | BOF | IV39 | 238,400 | 3,980 |
Bouaké | BOK | IV40 | 658,900 | 4,700 |
Bouna | BON | IV11 | 195,500 | 21,470 |
Boundiali | BOD | IV12 | 185,000 | 7,895 |
Dabakala | DAB | IV03 | 119,400 | 9,670 |
Daloa | DAL | IV41 | 525,700 | 5,450 |
Danané | DAN | IV14 | 322,900 | 4,600 |
Daoukro | DAO | IV42 | 125,700 | 3,610 |
Dimbokro | DIM | IV43 | 206,400 | 4,920 |
Divo | DIV | IV16 | 566,500 | 7,920 |
Duékoué | DUE | IV44 | 147,500 | 2,930 |
Ferkessédougou | FER | IV17 | 251,400 | 17,728 |
Gagnoa | GAG | IV18 | 401,000 | 4,500 |
Grand-Lahou | GRL | IV45 | 76,600 | 2,280 |
Guiglo | GUI | IV46 | 246,700 | 11,220 |
Issia | ISS | IV28 | 283,500 | 3,590 |
Katiola | KAT | IV20 | 190,800 | 9,420 |
Korhogo | KOR | IV21 | 564,200 | 12,500 |
Lakota | LAK | IV29 | 168,600 | 2,730 |
Man | MAN | IV47 | 417,200 | 4,990 |
Mankono | MNK | IV30 | 179,900 | 10,660 |
Mbahiakro | MBA | IV48 | 149,500 | 5,460 |
Odienné | ODI | IV23 | 246,400 | 20,600 |
Oumé | OUM | IV31 | 203,800 | 2,400 |
Sakassou | SAK | IV49 | 86,500 | 1,880 |
San-Pédro | SAP | IV50 | 244,600 | 6,900 |
Sassandra | SAS | IV51 | 156,500 | 5,190 |
Séguéla | SEG | IV25 | 176,100 | 11,240 |
Sinfra | SIN | IV52 | 175,000 | 1,690 |
Soubré | SOU | IV32 | 449,800 | 8,270 |
Tabou | TAB | IV53 | 86,800 | 5,440 |
Tanda | TAN | IV54 | 295,400 | 6,490 |
Tengréla | TEN | IV33 | 80,400 | 2,200 |
Tiassalé | TIA | IV55 | 192,900 | 3,370 |
Touba | TOB | IV26 | 158,700 | 8,720 |
Toumodi | TOM | IV56 | 117,700 | 2,780 |
Vavoua | VAV | IV57 | 246,400 | 6,160 |
Yamoussoukro | YAM | IV58 | 413,900 | 6,160 |
Zuénoula | ZUE | IV34 | 166,400 | 2,830 |
- ISO: Codes from ISO/DIS (draft standard)
3166-2, issued in late 1996. These
codes were omitted from the final standard (1998), so they are presumably obsolete.
- FIPS: Codes from FIPS PUB 10-4.
- Population: Projections calculated for 2000
from earlier census figures. Data
provided by Karem Abdalla.
- Capital: Capital always has the same
name as the department.
- ~1998: Alépé, Dabou, and Jacqueville departments split from Abidjan; Adiaké and Grand Bassam split from
Aboisso; Bocanda split from Dimbokro; Toulépleu split from Guiglo; Tiébissou split from Yamoussoukro. I
assigned HASC codes to the 58 departments based on the division into regions as of 2001.
- 2001-08-09: Status of Abidjan changed from department to autonomous district.
- 2002-01-21: Status of Yamoussoukro changed from department to autonomous district.
- 2005: Akoupé department split from Adzopé (former HASC code
); Madinani and
Minignan split from Odienné (CI.DE.OD
); Kouibly split from Man (CI.DH.MN
); Zouan
Hounien split from Danané (CI.DH.DN
); Didiévi split from Tiébissou (CI.LC.TS
Prikro split from Mbahiakro (CI.NC.MB
); Nassian split from Bouna (CI.ZA.BO
- 2005-10-06: Sikensi department split from Dabou (
); Bloléquin split from Guiglo
); Kounahiri split from Mankono (CI.WR.MK
); Koun-Fao split from Tanda
- 2008-03-05: Yakassé Attobrou department split from Adzopé; Koro split from Touba
); Guéyo split from Sassandra (CI.BS.SS
); Zoukougbeu split from Daloa
); Bettié split from Abengourou (CI.MC.AG
); Kouto split from Boundiali
); Ouangolodougou split from Ferkessédougou (CI.SV.FE
); Sinématiali split
from Korhogo (CI.SV.KO
); Tiapoum split from Aboisso (CI.SC.AO
); and Botro split
from Bouaké (CI.VB.BK
), by decree no. 2008-96.
- 2008-10-08: Fresco department split from Divo (
), by decree no. 2008-282.
Department | HASC | FIPS | Old |
Abengourou | CI.MC.AN | IV59 | 02 |
Abidjan | CI.LG.AB | IV61 | 09 |
Aboisso | CI.SC.AI | IV62 | 09 |
Adiaké | CI.SC.AD | IV63 | 09 |
Adzopé | CI.AG.AE | IV05 | 09 |
Agboville | CI.AG.AV | IV06 | 09 |
Agnibilékrou | CI.MC.AK | IV60 | 02 |
Akoupé | CI.AG.AP | | 09 |
Alépé | CI.LG.AL | IV64 | 09 |
Bangolo | CI.DH.BA | IV36 | 08 |
Béoumi | CI.VB.BE | IV37 | 03 |
Bettié | CI.MC.BT | | 02 |
Biankouma | CI.DH.BI | IV07 | 08 |
Bloléquin | CI.MV.BQ | | 08 |
Bocanda | CI.NC.BN | IV65 | 01 |
Bondoukou | CI.ZA.BD | IV38 | 06 |
Bongouanou | CI.NC.BG | IV27 | 01 |
Botro | CI.VB.BR | | 03 |
Bouaflé | CI.MR.BF | IV39 | 04 |
Bouaké | CI.VB.BC | IV40 | 03 |
Bouna | CI.ZA.BU | IV11 | 06 |
Boundiali | CI.SV.BY | IV12 | 05 |
Dabakala | CI.VB.DB | IV03 | 03 |
Dabou | CI.LG.DP | IV66 | 09 |
Daloa | CI.HT.DO | IV41 | 04 |
Danané | CI.DH.DE | IV14 | 08 |
Daoukro | CI.NC.DA | IV42 | 01 |
Didiévi | CI.LC.DD | | 01 |
Dimbokro | CI.NC.DR | IV67 | 01 |
Divo | CI.SB.DW | IV16 | 09 |
Duékoué | CI.MV.DK | IV44 | 08 |
Ferkessédougou | CI.SV.FK | IV17 | 05 |
Fresco | CI.SB.FR | | 09 |
Gagnoa | CI.FR.GA | IV18 | 04 |
Grand-Bassam | CI.SC.GB | IV68 | 09 |
Grand-Lahou | CI.LG.GL | IV45 | 09 |
Guéyo | CI.BS.GY | | 10 |
Guiglo | CI.MV.GG | IV69 | 08 |
Issia | CI.HT.IS | IV28 | 04 |
Jacqueville | CI.LG.JA | IV70 | 09 |
Katiola | CI.VB.KA | IV20 | 03 |
Korhogo | CI.SV.KG | IV21 | 05 |
Koro | CI.BF.KR | | 07 |
Kouibly | CI.DH.KB | | 08 |
Kounahiri | CI.WR.KH | | 07 |
Koun-Fao | CI.ZA.KF | | 06 |
Kouto | CI.SV.KT | | 05 |
Lakota | CI.SB.LA | IV29 | 09 |
Madinani | CI.DE.MD | | 07 |
Man | CI.DH.MA | IV47 | 08 |
Mankono | CI.WR.MO | IV30 | 07 |
Mbahiakro | CI.NC.MH | IV48 | 03 |
Minignan | CI.DE.MG | | 07 |
Nassian | CI.ZA.NA | | 06 |
Odienné | CI.DE.ON | IV23 | 07 |
Ouangolodougou | CI.SV.OG | | 05 |
Oumé | CI.FR.OU | IV31 | 04 |
Prikro | CI.NC.PR | | 03 |
Sakassou | CI.VB.SK | IV49 | 03 |
San-Pédro | CI.BS.SP | IV50 | 10 |
Sassandra | CI.BS.SD | IV51 | 10 |
Séguéla | CI.WR.SG | IV25 | 07 |
Sikensi | CI.LG.SI | | 09 |
Sinématiali | CI.SV.SM | | 05 |
Sinfra | CI.MR.SN | IV52 | 04 |
Soubré | CI.BS.SO | IV32 | 10 |
Tabou | CI.BS.TA | IV53 | 10 |
Tanda | CI.ZA.TN | IV54 | 06 |
Tengréla | CI.SV.TG | IV33 | 05 |
Tiapoum | CI.SC.TU | | 09 |
Tiassalé | CI.LG.TI | IV55 | 09 |
Tiébissou | CI.LC.TE | IV71 | 01 |
Touba | CI.BF.TB | IV26 | 07 |
Toulépleu | CI.MV.TP | IV72 | 08 |
Toumodi | CI.LC.TM | IV56 | 01 |
Vavoua | CI.HT.VA | IV57 | 04 |
Yakassé Attobrou | CI.AG.YA | | 09 |
Yamoussoukro | CI.LC.YM | IV73 | 01 |
Zouan-Hounien | CI.DH.ZH | | 08 |
Zoukougbeu | CI.HT.ZK | | 04 |
Zuénoula | CI.MR.ZU | IV34 | 04 |
- HASC: Hierarchical administrative
subdivision codes
- FIPS: Codes from FIPS PUB 10-4
- Old: ISO code for former region to
which this department belonged, before about
1997. See Districts of Côte d'Ivoire page, ~1987 table, for key to codes.
- Capital: Capital always has the
same name as the department.
- 2009-03-27: Presidential decrees No. 2009-87 and 2009-88 announce the appointment of various departmental prefects and
general secretaries. They imply the formation of at least these nine departments: in Denguélé region, Samatiguila department
split from Odienné; in Lacs region, Attiégouakro department split from Yamoussoukro; in N'zi-Comoé region, Arrah and M'Batto
departments split from Bongouanou; in Sud-Bandama region, Guitry department split from Divo; in Vallée du Bandama region,
Niakaramadougou department split from Katiola; in Worodougou region, Kani department split from Séguéla; in Zanzan region,
Sandégué department split from Bondoukou and Transua department split from Tanda.
- 2011-09-28: Côte d'Ivoire reorganized from nineteen regions into fourteen districts. Two of them were autonomous districts
(Abidjan and Yamoussoukro). The other twelve were further subdivided into thirty regions.
- ~2012: Moronou region formed by taking Arrah, Bongouanou, and M’batto departments from N'zi.
Other names of subdivisions:
- Bocanda: Bokanda (variant)
- Iffou: Ifou (variant)
- La Mé: Massan (variant)
- Mbahiakro: M'Bahiakro (variant)
- Sakassou: Sakasso (variant)
- Tengréla: Tingréla (variant)