Sorin Cosoveanu brought the Cameroon Statistical Yearbook (source [1]) to my attention. That's where I got the population and area data in
the first (yellow) table, below.
Cameroon is divided into ten regions, which are subdivided into 58 départements (departments). (The departments in Nord-Ouest and Sud-Ouest
regions, which used to be part of the British mandate, are sometimes called "divisions".) The departments are further subdivided into 315
arrondissements (as of 1999), and then into districts. The table below shows all of the departments of Cameroon. Some of the department names
have been changed to their French forms.
Department | HASC | Population | Area(km.²) | Capital |
Bamboutos | CM.OU.BA | 318,848 | 1,173 | Mbouda |
Bénoué | CM.NO.BE | 568,793 | 13,614 | Garoua |
Boumba-et-Ngoko | CM.ES.BN | 116,702 | 30,389 | Yokadouma |
Boyo | CM.NW.BO | 169,725 | 1,592 | Fundong |
Bui | CM.NW.BU | 322,877 | 2,297 | Kumbo |
Diamaré | CM.EN.DI | 566,921 | 4,665 | Maroua |
Dja-et-Lobo | CM.SU.DL | 173,219 | 19,911 | Sangmelima |
Djerem | CM.AD.DJ | 89,382 | 13,283 | Tibati |
Donga-Mantung | CM.NW.DM | 337,533 | 4,279 | Nkambé |
Fako | CM.SW.FA | 534,854 | 2,093 | Limbe |
Faro | CM.NO.FA | 81,472 | 11,785 | Poli |
Faro-et-Déo | CM.AD.FD | 66,442 | 10,435 | Tignere |
Haute-Sanaga | CM.CE.HS | 115,305 | 11,854 | Nanga-Eboko |
Haut-Nkam | CM.OU.HN | 203,251 | 958 | Bafang |
Haut-Nyong | CM.ES.HN | 216,768 | 36,384 | Abong-Mbang |
Hauts-Plateaux | CM.OU.HP | 117,008 | 415 | Baham |
Kadey | CM.ES.KA | 192,927 | 15,884 | Batouri |
Koung-Khi | CM.OU.KK | 121,794 | 353 | Badjoun |
Koupé-Manengouba | CM.SW.KM | 123,011 | 3,404 | Bangem |
Lebialem | CM.SW.LE | 144,560 | 617 | Menji |
Lekié | CM.CE.LE | 354,864 | 2,989 | Monatele |
Logone-et-Chari | CM.EN.LC | 405,035 | 12,133 | Kousseri |
Lom-et-Djerem | CM.ES.LD | 228,691 | 26,345 | Bertoua |
Manyu | CM.SW.MN | 177,389 | 9,565 | Mamfe |
Mayo-Banyo | CM.AD.MB | 134,902 | 8,520 | Banyo |
Mayo-Danay | CM.EN.MD | 522,782 | 5,303 | Yagoua |
Mayo-Kani | CM.EN.KA | 338,448 | 5,033 | Kaele |
Mayo-Louti | CM.NO.ML | 334,312 | 4,162 | Guider |
Mayo-Rey | CM.NO.MA | 242,441 | 36,529 | Tcholliré |
Mayo-Sava | CM.EN.MS | 313,413 | 2,736 | Mora |
Mayo-Tsanaga | CM.EN.MT | 574,864 | 4,393 | Mokolo |
Mbam-et-Inoubou | CM.CE.MI | 153,020 | 7,125 | Bafia |
Mbam-et-Kim | CM.CE.MK | 64,540 | 25,906 | Ntui |
Mbéré | CM.AD.MR | 185,473 | 14,267 | Meinganga |
Mefou-et-Afamba | CM.CE.MM | 89,805 | 3,358 | Mfou |
Mefou-et-Akono | CM.CE.MN | 57,051 | 1,329 | Ngoumou |
Meme | CM.SW.MM | 300,318 | 3,105 | Kumba |
Menchum | CM.NW.MC | 157,173 | 4,469 | Wum |
Menoua | CM.OU.ME | 372,244 | 1,380 | Dschang |
Mezam | CM.NW.ME | 465,644 | 1,745 | Bamenda |
Mfoundi | CM.CE.MF | 1,248,236 | 297 | Yaoundé |
Mifi | CM.OU.MF | 290,758 | 402 | Bafoussam |
Momo | CM.NW.MO | 213,402 | 1,792 | Mbengwi |
Moungo | CM.LT.MU | 452,722 | 3,723 | Nkongsamba |
Mvila | CM.SU.MV | 163,826 | 8,697 | Ebolowa |
Ndian | CM.SW.ND | 129,659 | 6,626 | Mundemba |
Ndé | CM.OU.ND | 123,661 | 1,524 | Bangangte |
Ngo-Ketunjia | CM.NW.NK | 174,173 | 1,126 | Ndop |
Nkam | CM.LT.NK | 66,979 | 6,291 | Yabassi |
Noun | CM.OU.NO | 434,542 | 7,687 | Foumban |
Nyong-et-Kéllé | CM.CE.NK | 145,181 | 6,362 | Eseka |
Nyong-et-Mfoumou | CM.CE.NM | 130,321 | 6,172 | Akonolinga |
Nyong-et-So'o | CM.CE.NS | 142,907 | 3,581 | Mbalmayo |
Océan | CM.SU.OC | 133,062 | 11,280 | Kribi |
Sanaga-Maritime | CM.LT.SM | 167,661 | 9,311 | Edéa |
Vallée-du-Ntem | CM.SU.VN | 64,747 | 7,303 | Ambam |
Vina | CM.AD.VI | 247,427 | 17,196 | Ngaoundéré |
Wouri | CM.LT.WO | 1,514,978 | 923 | Douala |
58 departments | 15,731,000 | 446,050 | |
Change history:
- Before ~1972, the departments and divisions were the primary subdivisions of Cameroon. They are described on the Regions
of Cameroon page.
- ~1975: Bamenda division (capital Bamenda) split into Bui, Mezam, and Momo divisions. Ndian division formed from parts of Kumba and Victoria.
The name of the remaining part of Kumba changed to Meme; the name of the remaining part of Victoria changed to Fako, and the name of its capital,
Victoria, changed to Limbe. The name of Mamfe division changed to Manyu; the name of Nkambe division changed to Donga-Mantung; the name of Wum
division changed to Menchum. The table below shows the resulting situation.
Department | Prov | Population | Area(km.²) | Capital |
Adamaoua | ND | 238,000 | 63,691 | Ngaoundéré |
Bamboutos | OT | 139,000 | 1,157 | Mbouda |
Bamoun | OT | 184,000 | 7,700 | Foumban |
Bénoué | ND | 339,000 | 65,576 | Garoua |
Boumba-Nkogo | ET | 38,000 | 30,394 | Yokadouma |
Bui | NT | 118,000 | 2,104 | Kumbo |
Diamaré | ND | 381,000 | 9,701 | Maroua |
Dja-et-Lobo | CS | 108,000 | 19,862 | Sangmélima |
Donga-Mantung | NT | 139,000 | 4,368 | Nkambe |
Fako | SO | 104,000 | 2,086 | Limbe |
Haute-Sanaga | CS | 54,000 | 11,878 | Nanga-Eboko |
Haut-Nkam | OT | 113,000 | 1,053 | Bafang |
Haut-Nyong | ET | 105,000 | 36,378 | Abong Mbang |
Kadeï | ET | 63,000 | 15,886 | Batouri |
Kribi | CS | 60,000 | 11,244 | Kribi |
Lékié | CS | 176,000 | 2,987 | Obala |
Logone-et-Chari | ND | 94,000 | 12,115 | Fort Foureau |
Lom-et-Djerem | ET | 63,000 | 26,353 | Bertoua |
Manyu | SO | 127,000 | 9,343 | Mamfe |
Margui-Wandala | ND | 337,000 | 7,125 | Mokolo |
Mayo-Danaï | ND | 193,000 | 5,305 | Yagoua |
Mbam | CS | 150,000 | 32,936 | Bafia |
Méfou | CS | 301,000 | 4,951 | Yaoundé |
Meme | SO | 143,000 | 8,018 | Kumba |
Menchum | NT | 147,000 | 6,218 | Wum |
Ménoua | OT | 197,000 | 1,339 | Dschang |
Mezam | NT | 242,000 | 3,210 | Bamenda |
Mifi | OT | 251,000 | 1,183 | Bafoussam |
Momo | NT | 91,000 | 1,912 | Mbengüi |
Moungo | LI | 206,000 | 3,595 | Nkongsamba |
Ndé | OT | 101,000 | 1,440 | Bangangté |
Ndian | SO | 85,000 | 5,124 | Mundemba |
Nkam | LI | 33,000 | 6,445 | Yabassi |
Ntem | CS | 119,000 | 16,004 | Ebolowa |
Nyong-et-Kéllé | CS | 75,000 | 6,382 | Eséko |
Nyong-et-Mfoumou | CS | 73,000 | 6,178 | Akonolinga |
Nyong-et-Soo | CS | 77,000 | 3,614 | Mbalmayo |
Sanaga-Maritime | LI | 121,000 | 9,070 | Edéa |
Wouri | LI | 251,000 | 1,129 | Douala |
39 departments | | 5,836,000 | 465,054 | |
- Prov:
CS = Centre-Sud; ES = Est; LT = Littoral;
ND = Nord; NW = Nord-Ouest;
OU = Ouest; SW = Sud-Ouest
- Population: 1970 estimate
- 1983-08-22: Centre-Sud province split into two provinces: Centre and Sud, where Sud province consisted of Dja-et-Lobo, Kribi, and
Ntem departments. Nord province split into three provinces: Adamaoua, Nord, and Extrême-Nord, where Adamaoua consisted of Adamaoua
department only, and Nord consisted of Bénoué department only.
- ~1984: Adamaoua department split into Djerem, Faro-Deo, Mayo-Banyo, Mbere, and Vina; name of Bamoun department changed to Noun; Faro,
Mayorey, and Mayo-Louti departments split from Bénoué; Kaele department split from Diamaré; Margui-Wandala department split into
Mayo-Sava and Mayo-Tsanaga; Mfoundi department split from Méfou.
- ~1986: Capital of Lékié department moved from Obala to Monatele; name of Kribi department changed to Océan.
Department | HASC | Code | Pop-1987 | Pop-1976 | Area(km²) | Capital |
Bamboutos | CM.OU.BA | H1 | 213,488 | 155,193 | 1,170 | Mbouda |
Bénoué | CM.NO.BE | F1 | 385,381 | 172,001 | 13,614 | Garoua |
Boumba-Nkogo | CM.ES.BN | C1 | 82,102 | 53,323 | 30,630 | Yokadouma |
Bui | CM.NW.BU | G1 | 219,695 | 142,015 | 2,300 | Kumbo |
Diamaré | CM.EN.DI | D1 | 383,949 | 281,881 | 4,665 | Maroua |
Dja-et-Lobo | CM.SU.DL | I1 | 125,869 | 99,638 | 19,910 | Sangmelima |
Djerem | CM.AD.DJ | A1 | 59,369 | 32,830 | 13,283 | Tibati |
Donga-Mantung | CM.NW.DM | G2 | 228,251 | 172,712 | 4,280 | Nkambe |
Fako | CM.SW.FA | J1 | 251,129 | 157,032 | 2,060 | Limbe |
Faro | CM.NO.FA | F2 | 57,671 | 52,277 | 13,624 | Poli |
Faro-Deo | CM.AD.FD | A2 | 43,904 | 29,844 | 10,435 | Tignere |
Haute-Sanaga | CM.CE.HS | B1 | 79,938 | 56,189 | 11,850 | Nanga Eboko |
Haut-Nkam | CM.OU.HN | H2 | 140,941 | 104,467 | 960 | Bafang |
Haut-Nyong | CM.ES.HN | C2 | 150,220 | 115,848 | 36,040 | Abong-Mbang |
Kadeï | CM.ES.KA | C3 | 130,715 | 88,197 | 15,910 | Batouri |
Kaele | CM.EN.KA | D2 | 228,737 | 186,434 | 5,033 | Kaele |
Lékié | CM.CE.LE | B2 | 239,500 | 203,159 | 2,990 | Monatele |
Logone-et-Chari | CM.EN.LC | D3 | 278,854 | 147,321 | 10,183 | Kousseri |
Lom-et-Djerem | CM.ES.LD | C4 | 153,696 | 85,482 | 26,320 | Bertoua |
Manyu | CM.SW.MA | J2 | 217,568 | 152,678 | 10,180 | Mamfe |
Mayo-Banyo | CM.AD.MB | A3 | 92,668 | 68,252 | 8,520 | Banyo |
Mayo-Danaï | CM.EN.MD | D4 | 354,181 | 225,114 | 5,300 | Yagoua |
Mayo-Louti | CM.NO.ML | F3 | 255,735 | 169,738 | 4,162 | Guider |
Mayorey | CM.NO.MA | F4 | 164,316 | 67,264 | 36,529 | Tchollire |
Mayo-Sava | CM.EN.MS | D5 | 209,718 | 160,432 | 2,736 | Mora |
Mayo-Tsanaga | CM.EN.MT | D6 | 425,427 | 304,163 | 4,393 | Mokolo |
Mbam | CM.CE.MB | B3 | 206,799 | 164,421 | 33,030 | Bafia |
Mbere | CM.AD.MR | A4 | 126,859 | 89,912 | 14,267 | Meinganga |
Méfou | CM.CE.ME | B4 | 141,166 | 124,367 | 4,155 | Mfou |
Meme | CM.SW.ME | J3 | 281,615 | 196,470 | 6,510 | Kumba |
Menchum | CM.NW.MN | G3 | 218,802 | 183,055 | 6,060 | Wum |
Ménoua | CM.OU.ME | H3 | 250,009 | 201,409 | 1,380 | Dschang |
Mezam | CM.NW.MZ | G4 | 429,285 | 298,911 | 2,870 | Bamenda |
Mfoundi | CM.CE.MF | B5 | 704,368 | 313,206 | 615 | Yaoundé |
Mifi | CM.OU.MI | H4 | 356,979 | 242,316 | 1,170 | Bafoussam |
Momo | CM.NW.MO | G5 | 141,771 | 118,219 | 1,790 | Mbengwi |
Moungo | CM.LT.MU | E1 | 338,459 | 275,456 | 3,720 | Nkongsamba |
Ndé | CM.OU.ND | H5 | 82,409 | 67,942 | 1,520 | Bangangte |
Ndian | CM.SW.ND | J4 | 90,571 | 74,180 | 6,160 | Mundemba |
Nkam | CM.LT.NK | E2 | 41,170 | 34,373 | 6,300 | Yabassi |
Noun | CM.OU.NO | H6 | 287,375 | 197,529 | 7,690 | Foumban |
Ntem | CM.SU.NT | I2 | 158,840 | 128,514 | 16,000 | Ebolowa |
Nyong-et-Kéllé | CM.CE.NK | B6 | 99,535 | 86,668 | 6,360 | Eseka |
Nyong-et-Mfoumou | CM.CE.NM | B7 | 86,838 | 72,865 | 6,170 | Akonolinga |
Nyong-et-Soo | CM.CE.NS | B8 | 97,396 | 77,805 | 3,580 | Mbalmayo |
Océan | CM.SU.OC | I3 | 92,528 | 66,776 | 11,280 | Kribi |
Sanaga-Maritime | CM.LT.SM | E3 | 135,818 | 112,550 | 9,310 | Edea |
Vina | CM.AD.VI | A5 | 168,242 | 102,328 | 15,600 | Ngaoundéré |
Wouri | CM.LT.WO | E4 | 836,380 | 419,077 | 890 | Douala |
49 departments | 10,546,236 | 7,131,833 | 463,504 | |
- HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes. The middle two
identify the province. For key, see "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries".
- Code: Keyed to the departments on this map
- Pop-1987: 1987-04-10 census
- Pop-1976: 1976-04-09 census
- Source for populations and area: Saint-Julien T., Grasland C. et al.:
"Itineraires géographiques en Pays Statistique", Feuilles
de Géographie, Hors-Série nº 1. Université de Paris, Paris. 1998.
- Capital: The capital of a department is called a préfecture.
- ~1995: Mbam department split into Mbam-et-Inoubou and Mbam-et-Kim; Méfou split into Mefou-et-Afamba and Mefou-et-Akono; Ngo-Ketunjia
department split from Mezam; Hauts-Plateaux and Koung-Khi departments split from Mifi; Ntem department split into Mvila and Vallée du Ntem.
Name of Kaele department changed to Mayo-Kani.
- ~1998: Lebialem department split from Manyu; Kupe-Manenguba department split from Meme; Boyo department split from Menchum.
Other names of subdivisions:
Except where otherwise labeled, these are variant spellings that I've found. The word "et" can be replaced by "and" to create an
English form.
- Bénoué: Benue
- Boumba-et-Ngoko: Boumba-Nkogo, Bumba-Nkogo
- Bui: Mbui
- Dja-et-Lobo: Ja-et-Lobo
- Djerem: Jerem
- Donga-Mantung: Ndonga Mantung, Ndonga Mentum; Nkambe (obsolete)
- Faro-et-Deo: Faro-Déo
- Haute-Sanaga: Upper Sanaga
- Haut-Nkam: Upper Nkam
- Haut-Nyong: Upper Nyong
- Hauts-Plateaux: Upper Plateaux
- Kadey: Kadeï
- Koung-Khi: Koung-Ki
- Koupé-Manengouba: Koupé et Manengouba, Kupe-Manenguba
- Lom-et-Djerem: Lom-et-Jerem
- Mayo-Banyo: Maya Banyo
- Mayo-Danay: Mayo-Danai
- Mayo-Kani: Kaele (obsolete)
- Mayo-Louti: Mayo-Luti
- Mayo-Tsanaga: Maya Tsanaga, Mayo Sanaga, Mayo-Tsanga
- Mbam-et-Inoubou: Mbam et Inougou
- Mefou-et-Afamba: Mefou Afamba
- Menchum: Mentchum, Mentum
- Menoua: Menua
- Mfoundi: Mfundi
- Moungo: Mungo
- Mvila: Ntem
- Ndian: Ndan, Ndiang
- Ngo-Ketunjia: Ngocketunja, Ngogetunjia, Ngok Etunjia
- Noun: Bamoun (obsolete); Nun
- Nyong-et-Kéllé: Nyong-et-Kele
- Nyong-et-Mfoumou: Myong and Mfoumou, Nyong et Mfoumo, Nyong-et-Mfumu
- Nyong-et-So'o: Myong and So'o, Nyong-et-So, Nyong et Soo
- Océan: Kribi (obsolete)
- Wouri: Wuri
- [1] "Annuaire Statistique du Cameroun 2006", Institut National de la Statistique du Cameroun.