On 2006-01-01, Rwanda was reorganized. Twelve provinces were replaced with five, and 106 districts were replaced with these thirty.
District | HASC | Code | Population |
Bugesera | RW.ES.BG | 0507 | 361,914 |
Burera | RW.NO.BR | 0404 | 336,582 |
Gakenke | RW.NO.GK | 0402 | 338,234 |
Gasabo | RW.KV.GB | 0102 | 529,561 |
Gatsibo | RW.ES.GT | 0503 | 433,020 |
Gicumbi | RW.NO.GC | 0405 | 395,606 |
Gisagara | RW.SU.GG | 0202 | 322,506 |
Huye | RW.SU.HU | 0204 | 328,398 |
Kamonyi | RW.SU.KM | 0208 | 340,501 |
Karongi | RW.OU.KG | 0301 | 331,808 |
Kayonza | RW.ES.KZ | 0504 | 344,157 |
Kicukiro | RW.KV.KK | 0103 | 318,564 |
Kirehe | RW.ES.KH | 0505 | 340,368 |
Muhanga | RW.SU.MH | 0207 | 319,141 |
Musanze | RW.NO.MS | 0403 | 368,267 |
Ngoma | RW.ES.NM | 0506 | 336,928 |
Ngororero | RW.OU.NR | 0305 | 333,713 |
Nyabihu | RW.OU.NB | 0304 | 294,740 |
Nyagatare | RW.ES.NT | 0502 | 465,855 |
Nyamagabe | RW.SU.NY | 0205 | 341,491 |
Nyamasheke | RW.OU.NS | 0307 | 381,804 |
Nyanza | RW.SU.NZ | 0201 | 323,719 |
Nyarugenge | RW.KV.NG | 0101 | 284,561 |
Nyaruguru | RW.SU.NU | 0203 | 294,334 |
Rubavu | RW.OU.RB | 0303 | 403,662 |
Ruhango | RW.SU.RH | 0206 | 319,885 |
Rulindo | RW.NO.RL | 0401 | 287,681 |
Rusizi | RW.OU.RS | 0306 | 400,858 |
Rutsiro | RW.OU.RT | 0302 | 324,654 |
Rwamagana | RW.ES.RM | 0501 | 313,461 |
Before 2002, Rwanda was divided into prefectures, which were divided into subprefectures, which were divided into communes, which were divided into secteurs (sectors), which were in turn divided into cellules (cells). The subprefectures were rarely noticed. The table below shows all 154 communes of Rwanda at that time.
Commune | HASC |
Bicumbi | RW.KR.BI |
Birenga | RW.KN.BI |
Bugaragara | RW.UM.BU |
Bugarama | RW.CY.BG |
Bulinga | RW.GT.BU |
Busozo | RW.CY.BS |
Butamwa | RW.KR.BU |
Butaro | RW.RU.BU |
Buyoga | RW.BM.BU |
Bwakira | RW.KY.BW |
Bwisige | RW.BM.BW |
Cyabingo | RW.RU.CB |
Cyeru | RW.RU.CR |
Cyimbogo | RW.CY.CY |
Cyumba | RW.BM.CB |
Cyungo | RW.BM.CG |
Gabiro | RW.UM.GA |
Gafunzo | RW.CY.GF |
Gaseke | RW.GS.GA |
Gashora | RW.KR.GA |
Gatare | RW.CY.GT |
Gatonde | RW.RU.GA |
Giciye | RW.GS.GI |
Gikomero | RW.KR.GM |
Gikoro | RW.KR.GR |
Gishamvu | RW.BT.GI |
Gishoma | RW.CY.GH |
Gishyita | RW.KY.GY |
Gisovu | RW.KY.GS |
Gisuma | RW.CY.GS |
Gitesi | RW.KY.GT |
Giti | RW.BM.GT |
Gituza | RW.BM.GZ |
Huye | RW.BT.HU |
Kabarondo | RW.KN.KB |
Kacyiru | RW.KV.KA |
Kagano | RW.CY.KG |
Kagitumba | RW.UM.KG |
Kahi | RW.UM.KH |
Kamembe | RW.CY.KM |
Kanama | RW.GS.KN |
Kanombe | RW.KR.KM |
Kanzenze | RW.KR.KZ |
Karago | RW.GS.KR |
Karama | RW.GK.KA |
Karambo | RW.GK.KB |
Karangazi | RW.UM.KR |
Karengera | RW.CY.KR |
Kayenzi | RW.GT.KA |
Kayonza | RW.KN.KY |
Kayove | RW.GS.KY |
Kibali | RW.BM.KB |
Kibayi | RW.BT.KB |
Kibilira | RW.GS.KI |
Kicukiro | RW.KV.KI |
Kidaho | RW.RU.KD |
Kigarama | RW.KN.KI |
Kigembe | RW.BT.KG |
Kigoma | RW.GT.KI |
Kigombe | RW.RU.KG |
Kinigi | RW.RU.KN |
Kinyamakara | RW.GK.KM |
Kinyami | RW.BM.KN |
Kirambo | RW.CY.KI |
Kivu | RW.GK.KV |
Kivumu | RW.KY.KI |
Kivuye | RW.BM.KV |
Kiyombe | RW.BM.KY |
Mabanza | RW.KY.MA |
Maraba | RW.BT.MA |
Masango | RW.GT.MA |
Mbazi | RW.BT.MB |
Mbogo | RW.KR.MB |
Mubuga | RW.GK.MB |
Mudasomwa | RW.GK.MD |
Mugambazi | RW.KR.MG |
Muganza | RW.BT.MN |
Mugesera | RW.KN.MG |
Mugina | RW.GT.MG |
Mugusa | RW.BT.MS |
Muhazi | RW.KN.MH |
Muhura | RW.BM.MH |
Mukarange | RW.BM.MK |
Mukingi | RW.GT.MK |
Mukingo | RW.RU.MU |
Muko | RW.GK.MK |
Murama | RW.GT.MR |
Murambi | RW.UM.MR |
Musambira | RW.GT.MS |
Musange | RW.GK.MN |
Musasa | RW.KR.MS |
Musebeya | RW.GK.MS |
Mushubati | RW.GT.MT |
Mutura | RW.GS.MU |
Muvumba | RW.UM.MV |
Muyaga | RW.BT.MG |
Muyira | RW.BT.MR |
Mwendo | RW.KY.MW |
Ndora | RW.BT.ND |
Ndusu | RW.RU.ND |
Ngarama | RW.BM.NG |
Ngenda | RW.KR.NG |
Ngoma | RW.BT.NG |
Nkuli | RW.RU.NL |
Nkumba | RW.RU.NK |
Nshili | RW.GK.NS |
Ntongwe | RW.GT.NT |
Ntyazo | RW.BT.NT |
Nyabikenke | RW.GT.NB |
Nyabisindu | RW.BT.NB |
Nyagatare | RW.UM.NY |
Nyakabanda | RW.GT.NK |
Nyakabuye | RW.CY.NY |
Nyakinama | RW.RU.NY |
Nyakizu | RW.BT.NK |
Nyamabuye | RW.GT.NM |
Nyamagabe | RW.GK.NY |
Nyamugali | RW.RU.NM |
Nyamutera | RW.RU.NT |
Nyamyumba | RW.GS.NY |
Nyarubuye | RW.KN.NY |
Nyarugenge | RW.KV.NY |
Nyaruhengeri | RW.BT.NR |
Nyarutovu | RW.RU.NR |
Ramba | RW.GS.RA |
Rubavu | RW.GS.RU |
Rubungo | RW.KR.RB |
Ruhashya | RW.BT.RH |
Ruhondo | RW.RU.RU |
Rukara | RW.UM.RU |
Rukira | RW.KN.RK |
Rukondo | RW.GK.RU |
Runda | RW.GT.RN |
Runyinya | RW.BT.RN |
Rusatira | RW.BT.RS |
Rushashi | RW.KR.RS |
Rusumo | RW.KN.RS |
Rutare | RW.BM.RU |
Rutobwe | RW.GT.RT |
Rutonde | RW.KN.RT |
Rutongo | RW.KR.RT |
Rutsiro | RW.KY.RU |
Rwamatamu | RW.KY.RW |
Rwamiko | RW.GK.RW |
Rwerere | RW.GS.RW |
Rwisirabo | RW.UM.RW |
Sake | RW.KN.SA |
Satinskyi | RW.GS.SA |
Shyanda | RW.BT.SH |
Shyorongi | RW.KR.SH |
Taba | RW.GT.TA |
Tambwe | RW.GT.TM |
Tare | RW.KR.TA |
Tumba | RW.BM.TU |
2001-02-15: A law was passed governing the function of
a district.
2002-01-01: According to a communication from Niko Pater, the communes of Rwanda were replaced on 2002-01-01 by a new set of divisions
called districts and municipalities (akarere and umujyi, respectively). Rwanda's government Web site has a
list of them. Note: the government Web site lists only 105 districts and
municipalities, but the accompanying text says that there are 116 of them. The list below is taken from the government site. Where the
district has the same name as one of the old communes, I've retained the same HASC code; where the name is new, so is the HASC code. I
have no way of telling how the communes were carved up to make the districts.
A Ministry of Local Government report titled Appraisal of the Decentralisation
Process in Rwanda gives this fragmentary account of the correspondence between communes and districts: Bugarura district formed by
merging Cyabingo and Ruhondo communes; Bukonya district formed by merging Gatonde and Ndusu communes; Bungwe district formed by merging
Cyumba and Kivuye communes; Cyarubare district formed by merging parts of Birenga, Kayonza, Kabarondo, Kigarama, and Rukira communes; Kahi
district formed by merging Kahi commune and part of Gituza; Nyakizu district formed by merging parts of Gishamvu, Nyakizu, and Runyinya
communes; Rusumo district formed from Rusumo commune and part of Birenga; Rwamiko district formed by merging Giti and Rutare communes;
Save district formed by merging Ndora and Shyanda communes; Umutara town formed from part of Nyagatare commune.
Division | Type | HASC |
Bicumbi | d | RW.KR.BI |
Bigogwe | d | RW.GS.BI |
Budaha | d | RW.KY.BU |
Bugaragara | d | RW.UM.BU |
Bugarama | d | RW.CY.BG |
Bugarura | d | RW.RU.BG |
Buhoma | d | RW.RU.BH |
Bukamba | d | RW.RU.BK |
Bukonya | d | RW.RU.BN |
Bukunzi | d | RW.CY.BK |
Buliza | d | RW.KR.BZ |
Bungwe | d | RW.BM.BG |
Butamwa | d | RW.KV.BU |
Butare | m | RW.BT.BT |
Butaro | d | RW.RU.BU |
Byumba | m | RW.BM.BM |
Cyangugu | m | RW.CY.CG |
Cyanzarwe | d | RW.GS.CY |
Cyarubare | d | RW.KN.CY |
Cyeru | d | RW.RU.CR |
Gabiro | d | RW.UM.GA |
Gasabo | d | RW.KR.GB |
Gaseke | d | RW.GS.GA |
Gashonga | d | RW.CY.GG |
Gashora | d | RW.KR.GS |
Gasiza | d | RW.GS.GZ |
Gatare | d | RW.CY.GT |
Gatsibo | d | RW.BM.GA |
Gatumba | d | RW.GS.GT |
Gikondo | d | RW.KV.GK |
Gikongoro | m | RW.GK.GK |
Gikonko | d | RW.BT.GK |
Gisenyi | m | RW.GS.GS |
Gisozi | d | RW.KV.GS |
Gisunzu | d | RW.KY.GZ |
Gitarama | m | RW.GT.GT |
Humure | d | RW.BM.HU |
Impala | d | RW.CY.IM |
Itabire | d | RW.KY.IT |
Kabagari | d | RW.GT.KB |
Kabare | d | RW.UM.KB |
Kabuga | m | RW.KR.KB |
Kacyiru | d | RW.KV.KA |
Kaduha | d | RW.GK.KD |
Kageyo | d | RW.GS.KG |
Kahi | d | RW.UM.KH |
Kamonyi | d | RW.GT.KM |
Kanama | d | RW.GS.KN |
Kanombe | d | RW.KV.KN |
Karaba | d | RW.GK.KR |
Kayonza | d | RW.KN.KY |
Kayove | d | RW.GS.KY |
Kayumbu | d | RW.GT.KY |
Kibingo | d | RW.BT.KN |
Kibungo | m | RW.KN.KN |
Kibuye | m | RW.KY.KB |
Kicukiro | d | RW.KV.KI |
Kigarama | d | RW.KN.KI |
Kinigi | d | RW.RU.KN |
Kinihira | d | RW.BM.KH |
Kiruhura | d | RW.BT.KR |
Kisaro | d | RW.BM.KS |
Maraba | d | RW.BT.MA |
Mirenge | d | RW.KN.MI |
Mudasomwa | d | RW.GK.MD |
Mugombwa | d | RW.BT.MU |
Muhanga | d | RW.GT.MU |
Muhazi | d | RW.KN.MH |
Murambi | d | RW.UM.MR |
Mushubi | d | RW.GK.MU |
Mutobo | d | RW.RU.MT |
Muvumba | d | RW.UM.MV |
Ndiza | d | RW.GT.ND |
Ngenda | d | RW.KR.NG |
Nshili | d | RW.GK.NS |
Ntenyo | d | RW.GT.NN |
Ntongwe | d | RW.GT.NT |
Nyakizu | d | RW.BT.NK |
Nyamasheke | d | RW.CY.NS |
Nyamata | d | RW.KR.NY |
Nyamirambo | d | RW.KV.NM |
Nyamugali | d | RW.RU.NM |
Nyamure | d | RW.BT.NM |
Nyamyumba | d | RW.GS.NY |
Nyanza | m | RW.BT.NZ |
Nyarubuye | d | RW.KN.NY |
Nyarugenge | d | RW.KV.NY |
Nyaruguru | d | RW.GK.NG |
Nyarutovu | d | RW.RU.NR |
Rebero | d | RW.BM.RB |
Ruhango | m | RW.GT.RH |
Ruhengeri | m | RW.RU.RH |
Rukara | d | RW.UM.RU |
Rukira | d | RW.KN.RK |
Rulindo | d | RW.KR.RL |
Rusenyi | d | RW.KY.RS |
Rushaki | d | RW.BM.RS |
Rushashi | d | RW.KR.RS |
Rusumo | d | RW.KN.RS |
Ruyumba | d | RW.GT.RY |
Rwamagana | m | RW.KN.RW |
Rwamiko | d | RW.BM.RW |
Save | d | RW.BT.SV |
Shyorongi | d | RW.KR.SH |
Umutara | m | RW.UM.UM |
Between this list and the following one, there are a few differences. In Kibuye province, there is a new district, Rutsiro. In Byumba province, the name of Gatsibo district changed to Ngarama. In Kibungo province, the name of Kayonza district changed to Kabarondo. In Gisenyi province, Bigogwe and Gatumba districts were replaced by Mutura and Nyagisagara. The way I interpreted these changes was partly based on guesswork.
The preliminary census report for 2002 from the Rwandan National Census Service
shows the following list of 106 districts.
Division | HASC | Type | Cen | Population | Area(km.²) |
Bicumbi | RW.KR.BI | d | 0202 | 101,057 | 350 |
Budaha | RW.KY.BU | d | 0704 | 85,420 | 263 |
Bugaragara | RW.UM.BU | d | 1102 | 33,078 | 424 |
Bugarama | RW.CY.BG | d | 0606 | 99,471 | 572 |
Bugarura | RW.RU.BG | d | 0902 | 99,520 | 153 |
Buhoma | RW.RU.BH | d | 0905 | 89,091 | 211 |
Bukamba | RW.RU.BK | d | 0908 | 119,935 | 181 |
Bukonya | RW.RU.BN | d | 0904 | 84,358 | 173 |
Bukunzi | RW.CY.BK | d | 0605 | 87,706 | 177 |
Buliza | RW.KR.BZ | d | 0209 | 85,394 | 187 |
Bungwe | RW.BM.BG | d | 1004 | 80,068 | 141 |
Butamwa | RW.KV.BU | d | 0103 | 30,464 | 86 |
Butare | RW.BT.BT | m | 0401 | 77,449 | 96 |
Butaro | RW.RU.BU | d | 0909 | 62,658 | 143 |
Byumba | RW.BM.BM | m | 1001 | 66,536 | 72 |
Cyangugu | RW.CY.CG | m | 0601 | 59,429 | 40 |
Cyanzarwe | RW.GS.CY | d | 0802 | 71,142 | 113 |
Cyarubare | RW.KN.CY | d | 1207 | 67,184 | 405 |
Cyeru | RW.RU.CR | d | 0910 | 85,102 | 181 |
Gabiro | RW.UM.GA | d | 1104 | 34,250 | 1,317 |
Gasabo | RW.KR.GB | d | 0210 | 90,534 | 309 |
Gaseke | RW.GS.GA | d | 0807 | 78,458 | 197 |
Gashonga | RW.CY.GG | d | 0607 | 74,988 | 164 |
Gashora | RW.KR.GS | d | 0203 | 86,606 | 574 |
Gasiza | RW.GS.GZ | d | 0804 | 122,681 | 257 |
Gatare | RW.CY.GT | d | 0604 | 83,428 | 376 |
Gikondo | RW.KV.GK | d | 0108 | 77,680 | 24 |
Gikongoro | RW.GK.GK | m | 0501 | 32,476 | 60 |
Gikonko | RW.BT.GK | d | 0410 | 70,475 | 214 |
Gisenyi | RW.GS.GS | m | 0801 | 67,192 | 24 |
Gisozi | RW.KV.GS | d | 0104 | 66,875 | 49 |
Gisunzu | RW.KY.GZ | d | 0702 | 77,089 | 203 |
Gitarama | RW.GT.GT | m | 0301 | 84,669 | 76 |
Humure | RW.BM.HU | d | 1008 | 71,485 | 191 |
Impala | RW.CY.IM | d | 0602 | 129,986 | 180 |
Itabire | RW.KY.IT | d | 0705 | 78,086 | 283 |
Kabagari | RW.GT.KB | d | 0305 | 83,006 | 255 |
Kabare | RW.UM.KB | d | 1103 | 29,228 | 321 |
Kabarondo | RW.KN.KY | d | 1206 | 67,750 | 232 |
Kabuga | RW.KR.KB | m | 0201 | 51,128 | 100 |
Kacyiru | RW.KV.KA | d | 0105 | 121,191 | 30 |
Kaduha | RW.GK.KD | d | 0506 | 60,961 | 261 |
Kageyo | RW.GS.KG | d | 0805 | 84,345 | 167 |
Kahi | RW.UM.KH | d | 1107 | 65,750 | 408 |
Kamonyi | RW.GT.KM | d | 0310 | 116,255 | 267 |
Kanama | RW.GS.KN | d | 0809 | 77,709 | 185 |
Kanombe | RW.KV.KN | d | 0106 | 53,010 | 39 |
Karaba | RW.GK.KR | d | 0507 | 90,280 | 253 |
Kayove | RW.GS.KY | d | 0808 | 96,090 | 184 |
Kayumbu | RW.GT.KY | d | 0309 | 74,264 | 174 |
Kibingo | RW.BT.KN | d | 0404 | 98,856 | 239 |
Kibungo | RW.KN.KN | m | 1201 | 43,582 | 97 |
Kibuye | RW.KY.KB | m | 0701 | 46,500 | 103 |
Kicukiro | RW.KV.KI | d | 0107 | 59,165 | 53 |
Kigarama | RW.KN.KI | d | 1202 | 62,773 | 249 |
Kinigi | RW.RU.KN | d | 0907 | 62,644 | 165 |
Kinihira | RW.BM.KH | d | 1003 | 92,003 | 172 |
Kiruhura | RW.BT.KR | d | 0407 | 51,163 | 154 |
Kisaro | RW.BM.KS | d | 1002 | 77,320 | 190 |
Maraba | RW.BT.MA | d | 0406 | 62,149 | 132 |
Mirenge | RW.KN.MI | d | 1203 | 101,026 | 419 |
Mudasomwa | RW.GK.MD | d | 0504 | 70,183 | 255 |
Mugombwa | RW.BT.MU | d | 0403 | 76,558 | 240 |
Muhanga | RW.GT.MU | d | 0307 | 79,811 | 211 |
Muhazi | RW.KN.MH | d | 1205 | 58,492 | 150 |
Murambi | RW.UM.MR | d | 1106 | 83,418 | 244 |
Mushubi | RW.GK.MU | d | 0505 | 90,336 | 416 |
Mutobo | RW.RU.MT | d | 0906 | 98,355 | 137 |
Mutura | RW.GS.BI | d | 0803 | 122,325 | 196 |
Muvumba | RW.UM.MV | d | 1108 | 95,996 | 305 |
Ndiza | RW.GT.ND | d | 0308 | 99,490 | 289 |
Ngarama | RW.BM.GA | d | 1007 | 73,626 | 187 |
Ngenda | RW.KR.NG | d | 0204 | 106,112 | 370 |
Nshili | RW.GK.NS | d | 0503 | 81,277 | 464 |
Ntenyo | RW.GT.NN | d | 0306 | 109,656 | 273 |
Ntongwe | RW.GT.NT | d | 0303 | 84,870 | 253 |
Nyagisagara | RW.GS.GT | d | 0806 | 81,727 | 200 |
Nyakizu | RW.BT.NK | d | 0405 | 85,587 | 280 |
Nyamasheke | RW.CY.NS | d | 0603 | 74,496 | 208 |
Nyamata | RW.KR.NY | d | 0205 | 76,456 | 356 |
Nyamirambo | RW.KV.NM | d | 0102 | 98,827 | 21 |
Nyamugali | RW.RU.NM | d | 0911 | 54,743 | 123 |
Nyamure | RW.BT.NM | d | 0409 | 82,716 | 289 |
Nyamyumba | RW.GS.NY | d | 0810 | 65,556 | 63 |
Nyanza | RW.BT.NZ | m | 0408 | 55,699 | 114 |
Nyarubuye | RW.KN.NY | d | 1209 | 49,565 | 439 |
Nyarugenge | RW.KV.NY | d | 0101 | 100,929 | 8 |
Nyaruguru | RW.GK.NG | d | 0502 | 67,092 | 266 |
Nyarutovu | RW.RU.NR | d | 0903 | 67,248 | 127 |
Rebero | RW.BM.RB | d | 1006 | 79,894 | 241 |
Ruhango | RW.GT.RH | m | 0304 | 43,780 | 74 |
Ruhengeri | RW.RU.RH | m | 0901 | 70,525 | 64 |
Rukara | RW.UM.RU | d | 1105 | 73,919 | 1,137 |
Rukira | RW.KN.RK | d | 1208 | 60,330 | 286 |
Rulindo | RW.KR.RL | d | 0208 | 71,715 | 172 |
Rusenyi | RW.KY.RS | d | 0706 | 105,826 | 292 |
Rushaki | RW.BM.RS | d | 1005 | 79,484 | 246 |
Rushashi | RW.KR.RS | d | 0207 | 68,594 | 208 |
Rusumo | RW.KN.RS | d | 1210 | 149,643 | 601 |
Rutsiro | RW.KY.RT | d | 0703 | 74,824 | 226 |
Ruyumba | RW.GT.RY | d | 0302 | 88,793 | 269 |
Rwamagana | RW.KN.RW | m | 1204 | 47,203 | 87 |
Rwamiko | RW.BM.RW | d | 1009 | 91,956 | 256 |
Save | RW.BT.SV | d | 0402 | 61,964 | 115 |
Shyorongi | RW.KR.SH | d | 0206 | 54,946 | 156 |
Umutara | RW.UM.UM | m | 1101 | 8,003 | 45 |
2003-04-16: The Ministry of Local Government has a document
describing a set of changes to local government areas, and mentioning this date. For the most part, the changes affect the boundaries of
districts, but not their identity.
2006-01-01: Rwanda reorganized into the thirty districts shown above.
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