The secondary administrative divisions of São Tomé and Príncipe are districts.
District | HASC | Region | Population | Area(km.²) | Capital |
Água Grande | ST.ST.AG | Centro | 73,091 | 16 | São Tomé |
Cantagalo | ST.ST.CG | Sul | 18,194 | 119 | Santana |
Caué | ST.ST.CU | Sul | 6,887 | 268 | São João dos Angolares |
Lembá | ST.ST.LE | Norte | 15,370 | 229 | Neves |
Lobata | ST.ST.LO | Norte | 20,007 | 105 | Guadalupe |
Mé Zóxi | ST.ST.MZ | Centro | 46,265 | 122 | Trindade |
Pagué | ST.PR.PA | Príncipe | 7,542 | 142 | Santo António |
7 districts | 187,356 | 1,001 | |
Other names of subdivisions:
- Mé Zóxi: Mé Zochi (variant)
- Pagué: Região Autónoma de Príncipe (formal)
- [1] Inquérito Demográfico e Sanitário 2008-2009
Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Ministério da Saúde (dated 2010-07, retrieved 2012-11-10) has a map on p. xxx showing these regions.
- [2] "São Tomé e Príncipe tem
187.356 habitantes
," Téla Nón news site (retrieved 2012-11-10).
- [3] "Já somos 180 mil
," STP Digital news site (dated 2012-06-25, retrieved 2012-11-10) has different census figures
for two districts. It refers to them as "primeiros resultados" (first results), so perhaps they were corrected before 2012-06-29 when Téla
Nón got them.