| Primary Administrative Subdivisions |
$300.00 (USD) |
This spreadsheet contains over 4,200 primary administrative subdivisions of countries. Coverage: all land area on earth. In
a few countries that are too small to be subdivided, the entire country is treated as a single subdivision. There are twelve columns: Subdivision
name (English), Country ISO 3166-1 code, Predominant time zone, HASC code, ISO 3166-2 code, GEC code, Type, Population, As-of date for population,
Area (km.²), Area (mi.²), and Capital. In the first four columns, every row contains data. Subdivision and capital names contain characters
from the Latin-1 character set. Any other characters are shown stripped of their diacritical marks. The purchase price conveys the right to use
these data within any one household or business, and to display them publicly (e.g. on an Internet site) no more than one country at a time.
Spreadsheet can be delivered by e-mail or CD-ROM. Format can be flat file (csv or tab-delimited), Excel, or others on request.
For libraries
and educational institutions, the Shared Electronic Resource Understanding
(SERU ) would be acceptable.
Note: this file
does not include secondary administrative divisions. For them, see below.