You've probably heard this joke: Q: When is a door not a door? A: When it is ajar. Here are some others: Q: When is a car not a car? A: When it turns into the driveway. Q: When is a dress not a dress? A: When it becomes the woman who wears it. Q: When is a lamp not a lamp? A: When it is aglow. Q: When is a swimmer not a swimmer? A: When she changes into her bathing suit. Q: When is a thief not a thief? A: When he is turned in to the police.
Q: What one word would you say to a glutton?
A: Insinuate (in sin you ate).
Someday, I want to build my house on an isthmus, so I can look off to my left and see one ocean, and look off to my right and see another one. The only thing is, I don't want the isthmus to be too narrow. I'm afraid someone would decide to build a canal right through my back yard.
Yes, I'm dreaming of a wide isthmus.
Tom Swifties: "I can't load any more hay on this truck", Tom said balefully. "What was I supposed to get at the grocery store?" Tom asked listlessly.