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September, 2012

Changes affecting status:

  1. Italy: Four provinces will be eliminated in 2013, and many more later.
  2. Uganda: Thirty-two new districts were created, as reported here in 2010. I finally have enough information to list them.
  3. Zambia: There is a new province named Muchinga.

Other data added:

  1. Historical updates ca. 1975 in Romania.
  2. Kiribati: Added populations from the 2010 census.
  3. Spain: Official names of three provinces will be in Basque.
  4. Venezuela: There is a new island territory, but it may not be a division.

Secondary divisions:

  1. Oman: Al Qabil had been placed in the wrong governorate. Correcting the error also affects the populations of two governorates.
  2. Zambia: Took the formation of Muchinga into account.


  1. Removed "All rights reserved," which is no longer of any legal value.
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