I've updated the population using 2012 census figures.
I looked up the capitals of provinces in several places, but mainly the Ethnia
Bolivia is divided into departments, which are subdivided into provinces. The table below shows the 112 provinces of Bolivia.
This Atlas has clickable maps showing departments
and provinces.
Province | HASC | NUTE | Population | Capital |
Abel Iturralde | BO.LP.AI | 10102025 | 18,073 | Ixiamas |
Abuná | BO.PA.AB | 10209111 | 4,049 | Santa Rosa del Abuná |
Alonso de Ibáñez | BO.PO.AI | 10105069 | 27,970 | Sacaca |
Andrés Ibáñez | BO.SC.AI | 10207085 | 1,653,001 | Santa Cruz de la Sierra |
Ángel Sandoval | BO.SC.AS | 10207096 | 14,415 | San Matias |
Aniceto Arce | BO.TR.AA | 10306080 | 53,081 | Padcaya |
Antonio Quijarro | BO.PO.AQ | 10105074 | 54,947 | Uyuni |
Arani | BO.CB.AR | 10303035 | 18,444 | Arani |
Aroma | BO.LP.AR | 10102023 | 97,364 | Villa Aroma |
Arque | BO.CB.AQ | 10303036 | 20,630 | Arque |
Atahuallpa | BO.OR.AT | 10104055 | 10,924 | Sabaya |
Ayopaya | BO.CB.AY | 10303033 | 54,408 | Independencia |
Bautista Saavedra | BO.LP.BS | 10102026 | 16,308 | Villa General Perez |
Belisario Boeto | BO.CQ.BB | 10301008 | 11,159 | Villa Serrano |
Bernardino Bilbao | BO.PO.GB | 10105075 | 10,224 | Arampampa |
Burnet O'Connor | BO.TR.OC | 10306084 | 21,378 | Entre Rios |
Capinota | BO.CB.CP | 10303037 | 29,659 | Capinota |
Caranavi | BO.LP.CR | 10102030 | 59,365 | Caranavi |
Carangas | BO.OR.CR | 10104049 | 11,071 | Corque |
Carrasco | BO.CB.CR | 10303042 | 135,097 | Totora |
Cercado | BO.CB.CE | 10303031 | 630,587 | Cochabamba |
Cercado | BO.EB.CE | 10208100 | 111,624 | Trinidad de Mojos |
Cercado | BO.OR.CE | 10104047 | 309,277 | Oruro |
Cercado | BO.TR.CE | 10306079 | 205,346 | Tarija |
Chapare | BO.CB.CH | 10303040 | 262,845 | Sacaba |
Charcas | BO.PO.CR | 10105067 | 41,214 | San Pedro |
Chayanta | BO.PO.CY | 10105066 | 97,251 | Colquechaqua |
Chiquitos | BO.SC.CQ | 10207089 | 82,429 | San Jose |
Cordillera | BO.SC.CR | 10207091 | 120,111 | Lagunillas |
Cornelio Saavedra | BO.PO.CS | 10105065 | 55,100 | Betanzos |
Daniel Campos | BO.PO.DC | 10105076 | 5,850 | Llica |
Eduardo Avaroa | BO.OR.AV | 10104048 | 33,248 | Challapata |
Eliodoro Camacho | BO.LP.CM | 10102014 | 53,747 | Puerto Acosta |
Enrique Baldivieso | BO.PO.EV | 10105078 | 1,684 | San Agustin |
Esteban Arce | BO.CB.EA | 10303034 | 37,152 | Tarata |
Eustaquio Méndez | BO.TR.MD | 10306083 | 34,993 | San Lorenzo |
Federico Román | BO.PA.GR | 10209112 | 7,034 | Nueva Esperanza |
Florida | BO.SC.FL | 10207093 | 32,842 | Samaipata |
Franz Tamayo | BO.LP.FT | 10102017 | 26,997 | Apolo |
Germán Busch | BO.SC.GB | 10207098 | 42,799 | Puerto Suarez |
Germán Jordán | BO.CB.GJ | 10303038 | 34,342 | Cliza |
Gran Chaco | BO.TR.GC | 10306081 | 147,164 | Yacuiba |
Gualberto Villarroel | BO.LP.GV | 10102028 | 17,782 | San Pedro de Curahuara |
Guarayos | BO.SC.GR | 10207099 | 48,301 | Ascencion de Guarayos |
Hernando Siles | BO.CQ.HS | 10301005 | 32,398 | Monteagudo |
Ichilo | BO.SC.IC | 10207088 | 92,721 | Buena Vista |
Ignacio Warnes | BO.SC.WR | 10207086 | 108,888 | Warnes |
Ingavi | BO.LP.IG | 10102018 | 134,535 | Viacha |
Inquisivi | BO.LP.IQ | 10102020 | 66,346 | Inquisivi |
Iténez | BO.EB.IT | 10208107 | 21,353 | Magdalena |
Jaime Zudáñez | BO.CQ.ZU | 10301003 | 39,992 | Villa Zudañez |
José Ballivián | BO.EB.GB | 10208102 | 82,700 | Reyes |
José Manuel Pando | BO.LP.GP | 10102029 | 7,381 | Santiago de Machaca |
José María Avilés | BO.TR.AV | 10306082 | 20,234 | Uriondo |
José María Linares | BO.PO.JL | 10105073 | 49,619 | Puna |
José Miguel de Velasco | BO.SC.VL | 10207087 | 69,742 | San Ignacio |
Juana Azurduay de Padilla | BO.CQ.AZ | 10301002 | 23,872 | Azurduy |
Ladislao Cabrera | BO.OR.LC | 10104054 | 14,678 | Salinas de G M |
Larecaja | BO.LP.LR | 10102016 | 86,481 | Sorata |
Litoral | BO.OR.LT | 10104051 | 10,409 | Huachacalla |
Loayza | BO.LP.LZ | 10102019 | 47,295 | Luribay |
Los Andes | BO.LP.LA | 10102022 | 77,579 | Pucarani |
Luis Calvo | BO.CQ.LC | 10301010 | 19,139 | Villa Vittorio Guzman |
Madre de Dios | BO.PA.MD | 10209110 | 24,070 | Puerto G M |
Mamoré | BO.EB.MM | 10208106 | 12,817 | San Joaquin |
Manco Kapac | BO.LP.MK | 10102027 | 27,154 | Copacabana |
Manuel María Caballero | BO.SC.MC | 10207097 | 23,267 | Comarapa |
Manuripi | BO.PA.MN | 10209109 | 14,986 | Puerto Rico |
Marbán | BO.EB.MR | 10208105 | 16,331 | Loreto |
Mizque | BO.CB.MZ | 10303043 | 35,586 | Mizque |
Modesto Omiste | BO.PO.MO | 10105077 | 44,645 | Villazon |
Moxos | BO.EB.MX | 10208104 | 22,163 | San Ignacio |
Muñecas | BO.LP.MN | 10102015 | 25,193 | Chuma |
Narciso Campero | BO.CB.CM | 10303032 | 35,763 | Aiquile |
Nicolás Suárez | BO.PA.NS | 10209108 | 60,297 | Cobija |
Nor Carangas | BO.OR.NC | 10104062 | 5,502 | Huayllamarca |
Nor Chichas | BO.PO.NC | 10105068 | 42,248 | Cotagaita |
Nor Cinti | BO.CQ.NC | 10301007 | 76,477 | Camargo |
Nor Lípez | BO.PO.NL | 10105071 | 14,057 | Colcha |
Nor Yungas | BO.LP.NY | 10102024 | 36,983 | Coroico |
Ñuflo de Chávez | BO.SC.NC | 10207095 | 116,545 | Concepción |
Obispo Santistevan | BO.SC.OS | 10207094 | 181,169 | Montero |
Omasuyos | BO.LP.OM | 10102012 | 84,484 | Achacachi |
Oropeza | BO.CQ.OR | 10301001 | 286,140 | Sucre |
Pacajes | BO.LP.PC | 10102013 | 55,180 | Corocoro |
Pantaleón Dalence | BO.OR.PD | 10104053 | 29,497 | Huanuni |
Pedro Domingo Murillo | BO.LP.MR | 10102011 | 1,663,099 | Palca |
Poopó | BO.OR.PP | 10104052 | 16,775 | Poopó |
Puerto de Mejillones | BO.OR.MJ | 10104061 | 2,076 | La Rivera |
Punata | BO.CB.PN | 10303044 | 54,409 | Punata |
Quillacollo | BO.CB.QC | 10303039 | 335,393 | Quillacollo |
Rafael Bustillo | BO.PO.RB | 10105064 | 86,947 | Uncia |
Sajama | BO.OR.SJ | 10104050 | 9,390 | Ciudad de Carangas |
San Pedro de Totora | BO.OR.ST | 10104059 | 5,531 | Totora |
Sara | BO.SC.SG | 10207090 | 42,278 | Portachuelo |
Saucarí | BO.OR.SA | 10104056 | 10,149 | Toledo |
Sebastián Pagador | BO.OR.SP | 10104060 | 13,153 | Santiago de H |
Simón Bolívar | BO.CB.BV | 10303045 | 7,279 | Bolívar |
Sud Carangas | BO.OR.SC | 10104058 | 7,231 | Andamarca |
Sud Chichas | BO.PO.SC | 10105070 | 55,879 | Tupini |
Sud Cinti | BO.CQ.SC | 10301009 | 25,207 | Camataqui |
Sud Lípez | BO.PO.SL | 10105072 | 6,835 | San Pablo de Lípez |
Sud Yungas | BO.LP.SY | 10102021 | 105,013 | Chulumani |
Tapacarí | BO.CB.TP | 10303041 | 24,595 | Tapacarí |
Tiraque | BO.CB.TR | 10303046 | 41,954 | Tiraque |
Tomás Barrón | BO.OR.TB | 10104057 | 5,267 | Eucaliptus |
Tomás Frías | BO.PO.TF | 10105063 | 229,047 | Potosi |
Tomina | BO.CQ.TM | 10301004 | 35,192 | Padilla |
Vaca Díez | BO.EB.VD | 10208101 | 130,778 | Riberalta |
Vallegrande | BO.SC.VG | 10207092 | 26,576 | Vallegrande |
Yacuma | BO.EB.YC | 10208103 | 23,430 | Santa Ana |
Yamparáez | BO.CQ.YM | 10301006 | 26,577 | Tarabuco |
Note: I corrected the population of Larecaja. As it was shown in the report, the sum of the populations of the provinces in La Paz department was 3,338 less than the population of La Paz department, and the sum of the populations of the municipalities in Larecaja province was 3,338 more than the population of Larecaja province. With my correction, all figures add up correctly.
The discrepancy may have something to do with a footnote in the census report concerning the municipality of Teoponte, which is in Larecaja province. The note says, "In accordance with Supreme Decree 1305 of 2012-08-01, Article 4, the population figure for the town of Teoponte ... remained the same, because the National Statistical Institute (INE) found that the census information was collected one day before the dates set by this policy. Consequently, for the purpose of distributing resources from taxation, starting from the 2012 census, Teoponte municipality ... reflects the population data collected from the dispersed area in 2012 and the data for the center city of Teoponte corresponding to the population in the 2001 census" (my translation).
Since 1985, these changes have occurred: Caranavi split from Nor Yungas, Enrique Baldivieso split from Nor Lípez, Germán Busch split from Chiquitos, Guarayos split from Ñuflo de Chávez, José Manuel Pando split from Pacajes, Nor Carangas split from Carangas, Puerto de Mejillones split from Atahuallpa, Sebastián Pagador split from Eduardo Avaroa, Simón Bolívar split from Arque, and Tiraque split from Arani. Minor border adjustments have also been made to some provinces. I arrived at these conclusions by comparing the modern provinces to a map in "Atlas de Bolivia", Ediciones Geomundo, Barcelona, Spain 1985.
Back to main statoids page | Last updated: 2013-09-08 |
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