December, 2008
Changes affecting status:
- Cape Verde: Added five counties.
- Greenland: Future change foreseen.
- Qatar: Data for the new municipalities.
- Senegal: Data for the new regions.
Other data added:
- Afghanistan: Updated population estimates to 2006.
- Benin: Added 2002 census results.
- Cambodia: Added areas.
- Georgia: Added 2002 census results.
- Italy: Added 1911 table to change history.
Secondary divisions:
- Albania: Added populations from 2001 census.
- Benin: Updated populations to 2002 census.
- Cape Verde: Made changes corresponding to five new counties and one new parish.
- Georgia: Added 2002 census results.
- Greenland: Added 2007 populations.
- Senegal: Added new departments. Added areas and populations for departments as of 2005.
Site design changes:
I plan to add a Sources heading at the end of every page that needs it. Underneath this
heading will be bibliographic references supporting the information on the rest of the page. I've
started off with the Afghanistan page.