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May, 2013

Changes affecting status:

  1. Côte d'Ivoire: Reorganized into districts and regions.

Other data added:

Update 11 to Geopolitical Entities and Codes (formerly FIPS 10-4) is dated 2013-04-30. It includes changes for fifty countries, but most of those changes don't affect data reported on this site. There are relevant changes for Kenya, Papua New Guinea, and Philippines.

  1. Cayman Islands: Added 2010 and older census data.
  2. France: Added 2010 and 1921 census data.
  3. French Guiana: Added 2010 census data and population history.
  4. Guadeloupe: Added 2010 census data.
  5. Martinique: Added 2010 census data.
  6. Reunion: Added 2010 census data. Some arrondissements underwent territorial changes.
  7. Saint Barthélemy: Added 2010 census data.
  8. Saint Martin: Added 2010 census data.
  9. Saint Pierre and Miquelon: Added 2010 census data.
  10. United States Minor Outlying Islands: Added 2010 population figures.

Secondary divisions:

  1. France: Updated populations to 2010.
  2. French Guiana: Updated populations to 2010.
  3. Guadeloupe: Updated populations to 2010.
  4. Martinique: Updated populations to 2010.
  5. Reunion: Updated populations to 2010. Some communes moved to a different arrondissement.
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