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July, 2013

Changes affecting status:

  1. Singapore: Districts turned out to be ephemeral.
  2. Sudan: West Kordofan state restored to former status.

Other data added:

Update 12 to Geopolitical Entities and Codes (formerly FIPS 10-4) is dated 2013-06-30. It includes changes for twenty-one countries, but most of those changes don't affect data reported on this site. There are relevant changes for Chad, Guinea, Indonesia, Marshall Islands, and Tuvalu.

  1. American Samoa: Corrected 2010 census data.
  2. Belize: Added 1921 census data.
  3. Mauritius: Added historical census data.
  4. Puerto Rico: Added 2010 census data.
  5. Trinidad and Tobago: Added 2011 census data.
  6. U.S. Virgin Islands: Added 2010 census data.

Secondary divisions:

  1. American Samoa: Corrected 2010 census data.
  2. Belize: Updated subdivisions based on 2010 census report.
  3. U.S. Virgin Islands: Added 2010 census data.
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