Sorin Cosoveanu dug up the definitive report on the 2012 census in Suriname.
Country overview: 
Short name | SURINAME |
ISO code | SR |
FIPS code | NS |
Language | Dutch (nl) |
Time zone | -3 |
Capital | Paramaribo |
Suriname began the 20th century as a colony of the Netherlands. It became an integral part of the
Netherlands on 1954-12-29, and then an independent country on 1975-11-25.
Other names of country: 
- Danish: Surinam, Republikken Surinam (formal), Hollandsk Guyana (obsolete)
- Dutch: Suriname, Republiek Suriname (formal)
- English: Republic of Suriname (formal), Dutch Guiana (obsolete), Netherlands Guiana (obsolete), Surinam (obsolete)
- Finnish: Suriname
- French: Suriname m
- German: Suriname n
- Icelandic: Súrínam
- Italian: Suriname m
- Norwegian: Surinam, Republikken Surinam (formal)
- Portuguese: Suriname, República f do Suriname m (formal)
- Russian: Республика Суринам (formal)
- Spanish: Surinam, República f de Suriname (formal)
- Turkish: Surinam Cumhuriyeti (formal)
- Sranantongo: Sranan
- Swedish: Surinam
Primary subdivisions: 
Suriname is divided into ten distrikten (sing. distrikt: districts).
District | HASC | FIPS | Pop-2012 | Pop-2004 | Area(km.²) | Area(mi.²) | Capital |
Brokopondo | SR.BR | NS10 | 15,909 | 14,215 | 7,364 | 2,843 | Brokopondo |
Commewijne | SR.CM | NS11 | 31,420 | 24,649 | 2,353 | 908 | Nieuw Amsterdam |
Coronie | SR.CR | NS12 | 3,391 | 2,887 | 3,902 | 1,507 | Totness |
Marowijne | SR.MA | NS13 | 18,294 | 16,642 | 4,627 | 1,786 | Albina |
Nickerie | SR.NI | NS14 | 34,233 | 36,639 | 5,353 | 2,067 | Nieuw Nickerie |
Para | SR.PR | NS15 | 24,700 | 18,749 | 5,393 | 2,082 | Onverwacht |
Paramaribo | SR.PM | NS16 | 240,924 | 242,946 | 182 | 70 | Paramaribo |
Saramacca | SR.SA | NS17 | 17,480 | 15,980 | 3,636 | 1,404 | Groningen |
Sipaliwini | SR.SI | NS18 | 37,065 | 34,136 | 130,567 | 50,412 | Paramaribo |
Wanica | SR.WA | NS19 | 118,222 | 85,986 | 443 | 171 | Lelydorp |
10 districts | 541,638 | 492,829 | 163,820 | 63,251 | |
- HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes.
If periods are
replaced by hyphens, these are the same as the district codes from ISO standard 3166-2.
- FIPS: Codes from FIPS PUB 10-4, a U.S. government standard.
- Pop-2012: 2012-08-13 census (source [1]).
- Pop-2004: 2004-08-02 census (source [6]).
Further subdivisions:
See the Ressorts of Suriname page.
The districts are subdivided into ressorten (ressorts).
Territorial extent: 
The UN LOCODE page
for Suriname lists locations in the country, some of them with their latitudes and longitudes, some with their ISO 3166-2 codes for their subdivisions. This information can be put together to approximate the territorial extent of subdivisions.
Change history: 
The Dutch have always called Suriname by that name. English speakers have called it Dutch Guiana,
Netherlands Guiana, Surinam, and Suriname. There was no fixed date at which one name replaced another.
- 1834-10-08: By royal decree, Suriname was divided into eight divisions (Lower Commewijne, Lower
Cottica, Matapica, Para, Saramacca, Upper Commewijne, Upper Cottica and Perica, and Upper Suriname and
Torarica) and two districts (Coronie and Nickerie).
- 1927: Suriname was reorganized into the following seven districts:
District | Pop-1941 | Pop-1952 | Area(km.²) | Capital |
Commewijne | 25,963 | 21,818 | 5,216 | Nieuw Amsterdam |
Coronie | 4,278 | 4,225 | 1,497 | Totness |
Marowijne | 3,715 | 5,311 | 40,166 | Albina |
Nickerie | 15,650 | 19,280 | 49,464 | Nieuw Nickerie |
Paramaribo | 56,233 | 86,400 | 13 | Paramaribo |
Saramacca | 9,866 | 11,423 | 25,571 | Groningen |
Suriname | 46,377 | 63,773 | 20,893 | Paramaribo |
7 districts | 183,730 | 237,930 | 142,820 | |
- District: Rural districts, except for Paramaribo, which was
an urban district.
- Population: Source [2]. Totals include indigenous people
not enumerated in any
- 1954-12-29: Suriname became an overseas territory of the Netherlands. As such, it was an integral part
of the Netherlands, with some autonomy.
- 1958: Brokopondo district split from Suriname district.
- 1964-03-31: Census taken.
- 1966-09-08: Para district split from Suriname district. (One source says 1966-10-28; another, 1968.)
The resulting division of Suriname was:
District | FIPS | Pop-1971 | Pop-1980 | Area(km.²) | Capital |
Brokopondo | NS01 | 17,000 | 20,249 | 21,440 | Brokopondo |
Commewijne | NS02 | 19,000 | 14,351 | 4,110 | Nieuw Amsterdam |
Coronie | NS03 | 3,000 | 2,777 | 1,620 | Totness |
Marowijne | NS04 | 26,000 | 23,402 | 45,980 | Albina |
Nickerie | NS05 | 35,000 | 34,480 | 64,610 | Nieuw Nickerie |
Para | NS06 | 18,000 | 14,867 | 980 | Onverwacht |
Paramaribo | NS07 | 102,000 | 67,905 | 32 | Paramaribo |
Saramacca | NS08 | 14,000 | 10,335 | 23,420 | Groningen |
Suriname | NS09 | 152,000 | 166,494 | 1,628 | Paramaribo |
9 districts | | 379,607 | 354,860 | 163,820 | |
- District: Rural districts, except for Paramaribo, which was an
urban district.
- Pop-1971: 1972-01-01 census (source [3]).
- Pop-1980: 1980-07-01 census (sources [4], [5]).
- 1975-11-25: Suriname became independent.
- 1985: Suriname was reorganized. Suriname district was divided among Commewijne, Para, Saramacca, and the
new Wanica district. Sipaliwini district was formed from large parts of Brokopondo, Marowijne, Nickerie, and
Saramacca districts, constituting almost four-fifths of the country, all in the south. Other borders were
adjusted. One site says that Sipaliwini was originally called Binnenland (= inland), and later renamed.
- [1] Definitieve Resultaten Achtste
Algemene Volkstelling
(Vol. I), Algemeen Bureau voor de Statistiek -
Suriname (retrieved 2013-10-11).
- [2] Encyclopædia Britannica World Atlas, 1951 edition had 1941 population estimates; 1957 edition had 1952
- [3] Encyclopædia Britannica, 15th Edition, Chicago, 1984.
- [4] Almanaque Mundial (1992 edition), Editorial America, Virginia Gardens, FL.
- [5] John Paxton, ed. The Statesman's Yearbook 1988-89. St. Martin's Press, New York 1988.
- [6] General Bureau of Statistics website (http://www.statistics-suriname.org/cen-index.html, dead link,
retrieved 2007-07-30).
- [7] European Union Observation Unit for the elections in Suriname (http://www.euou-suriname.org/index.html,
dead link, retrieved 2001-04-26).