Provinces of Italy

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Italy is divided into 20 regions, which are subdivided into 110 provinces. The provinces have diminished functionality since 2015.

Italy is divided into 101 province (sing. provincia: provinces), 8 metropolitan cities, and Aosta, whose provincial functions are carried out by the regional government of Valle d'Aosta.

Agrigento pIT.SC.AGAG92ITG14446,837 3,0431,175Agrigentoagrigentini
Alessandria pIT.PM.ALAL15ITC18427,229 3,5621,375Alessandriaalessandrini
Ancona pIT.MH.ANAN60ITI32473,865 1,940749 Anconaanconetani
Aosta rIT.VD.AOAO11ITC20126,806 3,2641,260Aostaaostani
Arezzo pIT.TC.ARAR52ITI18343,676 3,2361,250Arezzoaretini
Ascoli Piceno pIT.MH.ACAP63ITI34210,407 1,227474 Ascoli Picenoascolani
Asti pIT.PM.ATAT14ITC17217,573 1,511584 Astiastigiani
Avellino pIT.CM.AVAV83ITF34429,157 2,7921,078Avellinoavellinesi
Bari mIT.PU.BBBA70ITF471,247,3033,8241,476Baribaresi
Barletta-Andria-TranipIT.PU.BTBT76ITF48391,723 1,532591 Andria, Barletta, Trani
Belluno pIT.VN.BLBL32ITH33210,001 3,6791,420Bellunobellunesi
Benevento pIT.CM.BNBN82ITF32284,900 2,071800 Beneventobeneventani
Bergamo pIT.LM.BGBG24ITC461,086,2772,7251,052Bergamobergamaschi
Biella pIT.PM.BIBI13ITC13182,192 915 353 Biellabiellesi
Bologna mIT.ER.BOBO40ITH55976,243 3,7031,430Bolognabolognesi
Bolzano pIT.TT.BZBZ39ITH10504,643 7,4032,858Bolzanobolzanini
Brescia pIT.LM.BSBS25ITC471,238,0444,7841,847Bresciabresciani
Brindisi pIT.PU.BRBR72ITF44400,801 1,840710 Brindisibrindisini
Cagliari pIT.SD.CGCA09ITG27550,580 4,5701,764Cagliaricagliaritani
Caltanissetta pIT.SC.CLCL93ITG15273,099 2,124820 Caltanissettanisseni
Campobasso pIT.ML.CBCB86ITF22226,419 2,9101,124Campobassocampobassani
Carbonia-Iglesias pIT.SD.CICI09ITG2C128,540 1,495577 Carbonia, Iglesiascarboniensi
Caserta pIT.CM.CECE81ITF31904,921 2,6401,019Casertacasertani
Catania pIT.SC.CTCT95ITG171,078,7663,5531,372Cataniacatanesi
Catanzaro pIT.LB.CZCZ88ITF63359,841 2,392924 Catanzarocatanzaresi
Chieti pIT.AB.CHCH66ITF14387,956 2,5901,000Chietiteatini
Como pIT.LM.COCO22ITC42586,735 1,289498 Comocomaschi
Cosenza pIT.LB.CSCS87ITF61714,030 6,6522,569Cosenzacosentini
Cremona pIT.LM.CRCR26ITC4A357,623 1,771684 Cremonacremonesi
Crotone pIT.LB.KRKR88ITF62170,803 1,717663 Crotonecrotoniati
Cuneo pIT.PM.CNCN12ITC16586,378 6,9062,666Cuneocuneesi
Enna pIT.SC.ENEN94ITG16173,451 2,562989 Ennaennesi
Fermo pIT.MH.FMFM63ITI35174,857 861 332 Fermo
Ferrara pIT.ER.FEFE44ITH56353,481 2,6331,017Ferraraferraresi
Florence mIT.TC.FIFI50ITI14973,145 3,5151,357Florencefiorentini
Foggia pIT.PU.FAFG71ITF46626,072 6,9592,687Foggiafoggiani
Forlě-Cesena pIT.ER.FOFC47ITH58390,738 2,377918 Forlěforlivesi
Frosinone pIT.LZ.FRFR03ITI45492,661 3,2451,253Frosinonefrusinati
Genoa mIT.LG.GEGE16ITC33855,834 1,840710 Genoagenovesi
Gorizia pIT.FV.GOGO34ITH43140,143 466 180 Goriziagoriziani
Grosseto pIT.TC.GRGR58ITI1A220,564 4,5041,739Grossetogrossetani
Imperia pIT.LG.IMIM18ITC31214,502 1,157447 Imperiaimperiesi
Isernia pIT.ML.ISIS86ITF2187,241 1,530591 Iserniaisernini
L'Aquila pIT.AB.AQAQ67ITF11298,343 5,0361,944L'Aquilaaquilani
La Spezia pIT.LG.SPSP19ITC34219,330 881 340 La Speziaspezzini
Latina pIT.LZ.LTLT04ITI44544,732 2,251869 Latinalatinensi
Lecce pIT.PU.LELE73ITF45802,018 2,7601,066Lecceleccesi
Lecco pIT.LM.LCLC23ITC43336,310 817 315 Leccolecchesi
Livorno pIT.TC.LILI57ITI16335,247 1,212468 Livornolivornesi
Lodi pIT.LM.LOLO26ITC49223,755 782 302 Lodilodigiani
Lucca pIT.TC.LULU55ITI12388,327 1,774685 Luccalucchesi
Macerata pIT.MH.MCMC62ITI33319,607 2,7751,071Maceratamaceratesi
Mantua pIT.LM.MNMN46ITC4B408,336 2,340903 Mantuamantovani
Massa-Carrara pIT.TC.MSMS54ITI11199,650 1,157447 Massamassesi
Matera pIT.BC.MTMT75ITF52200,101 3,4501,332Materamaterani
Medio Campidano pIT.SD.MDVS09ITG2B101,256 1,516585 Sanluri, Villacidro
Messina pIT.SC.MEME98ITG13649,824 3,2481,254Messinamessinesi
Milan mIT.LM.MAMI20ITC4C3,038,4201,593615 Milanmilanesi
Modena pIT.ER.MOMO41ITH54685,777 2,6891,038Modenamodenesi
Monza e Brianza pIT.LM.MZMB20ITC4D840,129 388 150 Monza
Naples mIT.CM.NANA80ITF333,054,9561,172452 Naplesnapoletani
Novara pIT.PM.NONO28ITC15365,559 1,339517 Novaranovaresi
Nuoro pIT.SD.NRNU08ITG26159,197 3,9341,519Nuoronuoresi
Ogliastra pIT.SD.OGOG08ITG2A57,329 1,854716 Lanusei, Tortolě
Olbia-Tempio pIT.SD.OTOT07ITG29150,501 3,3991,312Olbia, Tempio Pausaniaolbiesi
Oristano pIT.SD.ONOR09ITG28163,916 3,0401,174Oristanooristanesi
Padua pIT.VN.PDPD35ITH36921,361 2,142827 Paduapadovani
Palermo pIT.SC.PAPA90ITG121,243,5854,9931,928Palermopalermitani
Parma pIT.ER.PRPR43ITH52427,434 3,4501,332Parmaparmigiani
Pavia pIT.LM.PVPV27ITC48535,822 2,9671,145Paviapavesi
Perugia pIT.UM.PGPG06ITI21655,844 6,3362,446Perugiaperugini
Pesaro e Urbino pIT.MH.PSPU61ITI31362,583 2,8931,117Pesaropesaresi
Pescara pIT.AB.PEPE65ITF13314,661 1,226473 Pescarapescaresi
Piacenza pIT.ER.PCPC29ITH51284,616 2,5901,000Piacenzapiacentini
Pisa pIT.TC.PIPI56ITI17411,190 2,446944 Pisapisani
Pistoia pIT.TC.PTPT51ITI13287,866 965 373 Pistoiapistoiesi
Pordenone pIT.FV.PNPN33ITH41310,811 2,274878 Pordenonepordenonesi
Potenza pIT.BC.PZPZ85ITF51377,935 6,5512,529Potenzapotentini
Prato pIT.TC.POPO59ITI15245,916 366 141 Pratopratesi
Ragusa pIT.SC.RGRG97ITG18307,492 1,614623 Ragusaragusani
Ravenna pIT.ER.RARA48ITH57384,761 1,859718 Ravennaravennati
Reggio di Calabria pIT.LB.RCRC89ITF65550,967 3,1851,230Reggio di Calabriareggini
Reggio nell'Emilia pIT.ER.RERE42ITH53517,316 2,293885 Reggio nell'Emiliareggiani
Rieti pIT.LZ.RIRI02ITI42155,164 2,7501,062Rietireatini
Rimini pIT.ER.RNRN47ITH59321,769 534 206 Riminiriminesi
Rome mIT.LZ.RMRM00ITI433,997,4655,3532,067Romeromani
Rovigo pIT.VN.RORO45ITH37242,349 1,791691 Rovigorodigini
Salerno pIT.CM.SASA84ITF351,092,8764,9191,899Salernosalernitani
Sassari pIT.SD.SXSS07ITG25328,043 4,2821,653Sassarisassaresi
Savona pIT.LG.SVSV17ITC32281,028 1,546597 Savonasavonesi
Siena pIT.TC.SISI53ITI19266,621 3,8211,475Sienasenesi
Sondrio pIT.LM.SOSO23ITC44180,814 3,2121,240Sondriosondriesi
Syracuse pIT.SC.SRSR96ITG19399,933 2,109814 Syracusesiracusani
Taranto pIT.PU.TATA74ITF43584,649 2,437941 Tarantotarantini
Teramo pIT.AB.TETE64ITF12306,349 1,949752 Teramoteramani
Terni pIT.UM.TRTR05ITI22228,424 2,123820 Terniternani
Trapani pIT.SC.TPTP91ITG11429,917 2,461950 Trapanitrapanesi
Trento pIT.TT.TNTN38ITH20524,832 6,2092,397Trentotrentini
Treviso pIT.VN.TVTV31ITH34876,790 2,477956 Trevisotrevigiani
Trieste pIT.FV.TSTS34ITH44232,601 212 82 Triestetriestini
Turin mIT.PM.TOTO10ITC112,247,7806,8332,638Turintorinesi
Udine pIT.FV.UDUD33ITH42535,430 4,9071,894Udineudinesi
Varese pIT.LM.VAVA21ITC41871,886 1,199463 Varesevaresini
Venice pIT.VN.VEVE30ITH35846,962 2,462951 Veniceveneziani
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola pIT.PM.VBVB28ITC14160,264 2,256871 Verbaniaverbanesi
Vercelli pIT.PM.VCVC13ITC12176,941 2,089807 Vercellivercellesi
Verona pIT.VN.VRVR37ITH31900,542 3,1211,205Veronaveronesi
Vibo Valentia pIT.LB.VVVV88ITF64163,409 1,140440 Vibo Valentiavibonesi
Vicenza pIT.VN.VIVI36ITH32859,205 2,7231,051Vicenzavicentini
Viterbo pIT.LZ.VTVT01ITI41312,864 3,6131,395Viterboviterbesi
110 divisions59,433,744301,252116,319
  • Province: Names are given in their common English form, where that differs from the Italian.
  • Typ: province, metropolitan city, or region.
  • HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes.
  • ISO: Codes from ISO 3166-2 (see note below).
  • CAP: Codici di Avviamento Postale (postal codes). Italy has a system of five-digit postal codes.
    The first two digits are constant within each province. (In a few cases, two or more provinces
    use the same first two digits.)
  • NUTS: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, a European standard. The first four
    characters of the NUTS code for each province are the NUTS code for the region to which the
    province belongs.
  • Population: 2011-10-09 census.
  • Adjective: Masculine plural adjective for inhabitants of the provincial capital, or the province as
    a whole.


Note: ISO province codes as of 2010-02-03 are the same as sigle automobilistiche, except for that of Rome. Its sigla is ROMA. Sigle automobilistiche, or sigle de provenienza (vehicle codes, provenance codes) are used in Italy on license plates, maps, forms, etc. For more historical background, see source [5].

Territorial extent: 

  1. Any province in Sardinia region lies mainly on the island of Sardinia, although it may include other nearby islands. The same is true of Sicily.
  2. Agrigento includes the Pelagian Islands: Lampedusa, Linosa, and the tiny islet of Lampione.
  3. Arezzo includes an exclave within Pesaro e Urbino, which consequently is also an exclave of Tuscany region within Marche. It's part of Badia Tedalda commune.
  4. Benevento includes an exclave within Avellino, constituting the commune of Pannarano.
  5. Cagliari includes the islands of Sant' Antíoco and San Pietro.
  6. Caltanissetta includes an exclave within Palermo, constituting the commune of Resuttano.
  7. Como includes a small exclave within the canton of Ticino, Switzerland, constituting the commune of Campione d'Italia.
  8. Enna includes a tiny exclave within Caltanissetta.
  9. Foggia includes the Tremiti islands: San Domino, San Nicola, Caprara, Pianosa, etc.
  10. Gorizia includes islands in the Laguna di Grado, as far west as the inlet of Porto Buso.
  11. Grosseto includes the islands of Giglio, Giannutri, and the Formiche di Grosseto.
  12. Latina includes the islands of Ponza, Palmarola, Ventoténe, Zamone, and other nearby islands.
  13. Livorno includes most of the Tuscan Archipelago, including the islands of Elba, Capraia, Montecristo, Pianosa, and Gorgona.
  14. Matera includes an exclave within Potenza, part of Tricárico commune.
  15. Messina includes the Aeolian (Lipari) Islands, of which the largest are Lipari, Salina, Vulcano, Stromboli, Filicudi, Alicudi, and Panarea.
  16. Milan includes an exclave of Lentate sul Severo, surrounded by Como and Monza e Brianza.
  17. Naples includes the islands of Ischia, Capri, Prócida, and other nearby islands.
  18. Oristano includes the island of Mal di Ventre.
  19. Palermo includes an exclave within Agrigento, part of Bisacquino commune.
  20. Perugia includes an exclave within Pesaro e Urbino (which consequently is also an exclave of Umbria region within Marche), part of Cittŕ di Castello commune.
  21. Rimini includes a tiny exclave within Pesaro e Urbino (and barely touching San Marino; consequently also an exclave of Emilia-Romagna region within Marche), part of Verucchio commune.
  22. Sassari includes neighboring islands such as Asinara, Maddalena, Caprera, Spargi, Tavolara, Molara, Santo Stefano, Santa Maria, Rázzoli, and Budelli.
  23. Terni includes an exclave on the border between Perugia and Siena, part of Fabro commune.
  24. Trapani includes the islands of Pantelleria, Maréttimo, and the Égadi islands (Favignana, Lévanzo, etc.).
  25. Udine includes islands in the Laguna di Marano, as far east as Santa Andrea.
  26. Viterbo includes a small exclave on the border between Rieti and Terni, part of Gallese commune.

Origins of names: 

  1. Alessandria: after Pope Alexander III
  2. Ancona: Ancient Greek ankon: bent arms, for the shape of two promontories
  3. Aosta: Latin Augusta prćtoria Salassorum. It was a colony founded by emperor Augustus to house his pretorian guard, in the land of the Salassi.
  4. Avellino: Latin Abellinum: pertaining to Abella, a city in Campania
  5. Bari: possibly from Ancient Greek baris: fortified house
  6. Benevento: named Maleventum prior to 268 B.C., when it was changed to Beneventum (Latin bene: good, eventum: fortune); however, Maleventum probably came from mal: height, not malus: bad
  7. Bolzano: possibly from Bautianum: Bautius's plantation
  8. Brindisi: brention: stag's head
  9. Cagliari: Greek Karalis, from pre-Indo-European kar: rock
  10. Caltanissetta: diminutive of Caltanissa, said to be from Arabic Kal`at: castle, an-Nisa': of women
  11. Campobasso: Italian for low field
  12. Caserta: Italian casa: house, erta: elevated, for a castle overlooking it
  13. Crotone: possibly from Ancient Greek kroton: castor-oil plant
  14. Cuneo: Latin cuneus: corner (between the Gesso and Stura Rivers)
  15. Ferrara: probably Latin ferraria: iron smithy
  16. Florence: from Latin Florentia: flowering place
  17. Foggia: Italian dialect for ditch
  18. Forlě: Latin forum Livii: city of Livius (Roman consul Marcus Livius Salinator)
  19. Gorizia: Slovenian Gorica: little mountain
  20. Grosseto: possibly place of the grossi (type of fig trees)
  21. Imperia: after the river Impero; created in 1923 by the union of Porto Maurizio and Oneglia
  22. L'Aquila: Italian for "the eagle"
  23. Latina: renamed from Littoria in 1945 to avoid Fascist overtones; located in northern Latium
  24. Lodi: Latin Laude Pompeia: mention of Pompey, after Cneius Pompeius Strabo
  25. Macerata: Latin for pisé, or rammed earth, because that method of construction was used
  26. Messina: after the Greek region of Messinia, because of colonists from there
  27. Milan: Gallic medio: middle, lanon: inhabited place, through Latin Mediolanum
  28. Modena: possibly from Etruscan mutna: tomb
  29. Naples: Ancient Greek nea: new, polis: city
  30. Padua: probably from Padus, the Latin name of the Po River
  31. Palermo: Ancient Greek pan: all, hormos: anchorage (i.e. good harbor)
  32. Pescara: Medieval Latin piscaria: fish market
  33. Piacenza: Latin placentia: pleasure
  34. Pisa: possibly pre-Indo-European pisa: wetland
  35. Pistoia: from Latin pistor: grinder of grain
  36. Ravenna: possibly pre-Indo-European rava: torrent
  37. Syracuse: named for a swamp
  38. Trapani: Ancient Greek drepanon: scythe, for the shape of a promontory
  39. Trieste: probably from an Indo-European root meaning market
  40. Turin: Latin Augusta Taurinorum, from the ethnic name Taurini
  41. Venetia, Venice: land of the Veneti (ethnic name)

Change history: 

The 1911 edition of the Encyclopćdia Britannica said, "The kingdom is divided into 69 provinces, 284 regions, of which 197 are classed as circondarii and 87 as districts (the latter belonging to the province of Mantua and the 8 provinces of Venetia), 1806 administrative divisions (mandamenti) and 8262 communes. These were the figures at the date of the census. [Most likely this refers to the 1901 census.] In 1906 there were 1805 mandamenti and 8290 communes, and 4 boroughs in Sardinia not connected with communes." The following table is taken from the same source, although it only shows 68 provinces.

Aquila degli Abruzzi353,027436,3672,484Abruzzi and Molise
Ascoli Piceno209,185251,829796Marches
Bari delle Puglie679,499837,6832,065Apulia
Campobasso365,434389,9761,691Abruzzi and Molise
Chieti343,948387,6041,138Abruzzi and Molise
Massa and Carrara169,469202,749687Tuscany
Pesaro and Urbino223,043259,0831,118Marches
Porto Maurizio132,251144,604455Liguria
Reggio di Calabria372,723437,2091,221Calabria
Teramo254,806312,1881,067Abruzzi and Molise
68 provinces28,459,62832,965,504110,623
  • Pop-1881: 1881-12-31 census.
  • Pop-1901: 1901-02-10 census.
  • Region: Region to which the province belonged.


Note: the figures given in the source are consistent, with a few exceptions. The figures for Lombardy don't add up right. Specifically, the total of the areas of the provinces of Lombardy falls short of the correct area for the whole region by 91 mi.². The 1881 populations of the individual provinces fall short of the regional total by 515,050. The 1901 populations exceed the regional total by 2,670,529. Part of that discrepancy must be due to Cremona, which is unlikely to have grown almost twelve-fold in two decades. There's one other problem: the total of the populations by region for 1901 is 32,965,954, which is 450 more than the reported total.

  1. 1920-07-16: Treaty of Saint-Germain took effect. Territory was transferred from several provinces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Italy. The southern part of Tyrol province (about half) and a small part of Carinthia became Venezia Tridentina region, consisting of Trento province. Most of Coastland (Küstenland) province and the enclave of Zara in Dalmatia were annexed to Venezia region, becoming the provinces of Gorizia, Pola, and Trieste.
  2. 1920-11-12: Treaty of Rapallo signed, by which Fiume (Rijeka) became a free state, and Italy received two groups of Adriatic islands: in the north, Cherso (Cres), Lussin (Lošinj), and some smaller islands; in the south, Lagosta (Lastovo), Pelagosa (Palagruža), and others.
  3. 1923: Name of city and province of Porto Maurizio changed to Imperia. Name of Udine province, but not its capital, changed to Friuli.
  4. 1924-01-27: City of Fiume, and most of the Free State, annexed to Italy by treaty with Yugoslavia, becoming the province of Fiume in the region of Venezia.
  5. 1927: Nuoro province formed from parts of Cagliari and Sassari. Pistoia province split from Florence. Name of city and province of Girgenti changed to Agrigento. Name of city and province of Castrogiovanni changed to Enna.
  6. ~1927: Aosta province split from Turin. Bolzano province split from Trento. Brindisi and Taranto provinces split from Lecce. Castrogiovanni province formed from parts of Caltanissetta and Catania. Frosinone and Viterbo provinces split from Rome. La Spezia and Savona provinces split from Genoa. Matera province split from Potenza. Pescara province formed from parts of Chieti and Teramo. Ragusa province split from Syracuse. Rieti and Terni provinces split from Perugia; Rieti province transferred from Umbria region to Lazio. Varese province split from Como. Vercelli province split from Novara.
  7. 1934: Littoria province split from Rome.
  8. ~1937: Name of Taranto province, but not its capital, changed to Ionio.
  9. 1937: Name of Pola province, but not its capital, changed to Istria.
  10. 1938: Name of Massa-Carrara province, and its capital Massa, changed to Apuania.
  11. ~1939: Asti province split from Alessandria. Name of Fiume province, but not its capital, changed to Carnaro.
  12. ~1945: Massa city, Massa-Carrara, Taranto, and Udine provinces restored to their pre-war names. Name of Littoria city and province changed to Latina.
  13. 1945-09-07: Province of Valle d'Aosta abolished, and its powers transferred to the regional government.
  14. 1954-10-25: Zone A of Free Territory of Trieste annexed to Italy as the province of Trieste.
  15. ~1969: Pordenone province split from Udine.
  16. 1974-07-16: Oristano province formed from parts of Cagliari and Nuoro.
  17. ~1979: Isernia province split from Campobasso.
  18. 1992-03-06: Biella province split from Vercelli.
  19. 1992-03-27: Prato province split from Florence.
  20. 1996-01-01: New provinces created: Crotone and Vibo Valentia split from Catanzaro; Lecco formed from part of Como and smaller part of Bergamo; Lodi split from Milan; Rimini split from Forlě; Verbania split from Novara. Several of these had previously been circondari.
  21. 1999: Sigla of Pesaro e Urbino province changed from PS to PU.
  22. ~2000: Name of Forlì province changed to Forlì-Cesena, and its sigla changed from FO to FC; name of Verbania province changed to Verbano-Cusio-Ossola.
  23. 2001-07-12: Law passed, creating four new provinces in Sardinia region. Carbonia-Iglesias and Medio Campidano provinces split from Cagliari (former HASC code IT.CA). Ogliastra split from Nuoro (IT.NU). Olbia-Tempio formed from parts of Nuoro and Sassari (IT.SS). Parts of Nuoro transferred to Cagliari and Oristano (IT.OR). The new provinces became active following the elections of 2005-05-22 to 23. In earlier plans, Olbia-Tempio would have been named Gallura, and Carbonia-Iglesias would have been Sulcis-Iglesiente. Source [4] has a map of the changes.
  24. 2004-06-11: Three new provinces created. In Apulia region, Barletta-Andria-Trani was formed from parts of Bari (former HASC code IT.BA; 2001 population, 1,559,662; area, 5,139 km.²) and Foggia (IT.FG, 690,992, 7,192). In Marche, Fermo was split from Ascoli-Piceno (IT.AP, 369,371, 2,089). In the Lombardy region, Monza e Brianza was split from Milan (IT.MI, 3,707,210, 1,985). Their creation was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on 2003-10-29; passed by the Senate on 2004-05-19 (2004-05-12 in the case of Monza e Brianza); signed by the President on 2004-06-11; and published in the Official Gazette on 2004-06-15. Barletta-Andria-Trani became active on 2009-06-08; Fermo on 2009-06-22; and Monza e Brianza on 2009-06-07.
  25. 2006-12: Sigla of Medio Campidano changed from the provisional MD to VS.
  26. 2009-08: Seven communes transferred from Pesaro e Urbino province to Rimini, and thus from Marche region to Emilia-Romagna: Casteldelci, Maiolo, Novafeltria, Pennabilli, San Leo, Sant'Agata Feltria, and Talamello.
  27. 2009-12-18: Five communes transferred from Milan province to Monza e Brianza: Busnago, Caponago, Cornate d'Adda, Lentate sul Seveso, and Roncello.
  28. 2015-01-01: Status of Bari, Bologna, Florence, Genoa, Milan, Naples, Rome, and Turin changed from provinces to metropolitan cities.

Other names of subdivisions:

  1. Agrigento: Agrigente (French); Girgenti (obsolete)
  2. Alessandria: Alejandría (Spanish); Alexandrie (French)
  3. Ancona: Ancône (French)
  4. Aosta: Aoste (French); Val d'Aosta, Valle d'Aosta (variant)
  5. Barletta-Andria-Trani: provincia dell'Ofanto (Italian-informal)
  6. Benevento: Bénévent (French)
  7. Bergamo: Bergame (French)
  8. Bologna: Bologne (French); Bolonha (Portuguese); Bolonia (Spanish)
  9. Bolzano: Bozen, Südtirol (German)
  10. Caserta: Caserte (French)
  11. Catania: Catane (French)
  12. Como: Côme (French)
  13. Cremona: Crémone (French)
  14. Cuneo: Coni (French)
  15. Ferrara: Ferrare (French)
  16. Florence: Firenze (Italian); Florença (Portuguese); Florencia (Spanish); Florens (Swedish); Florenz (German)
  17. Foggia: Capitanata (obsolete)
  18. Forli: Forlě (Italian)
  19. Genoa: Gęnes (French); Genova (Italian); Gęnova (Portuguese); Génova (Spanish); Genua (Dutch, German, Swedish)
  20. Gorizia: Görz (German)
  21. Imperia: Porto Maurizio (obsolete)
  22. L'Aquila: Aquila (variant)
  23. La Spezia: Spezia (variant)
  24. Latina: Littoria (obsolete)
  25. Livorno: Leghorn (obsolete); Liorna (Spanish); Livourne (French)
  26. Lucca: Lucques (French)
  27. Mantua: Mantoue (French); Mantova (Italian, Spanish, Swedish)
  28. Massa-Carrara: Apuania (obsolete); Massa-Carrare (French); Massa e Carrara (variant)
  29. Messina: Messine (French)
  30. Milan: Mailand (German); Milaan (Dutch); Milán (Spanish); Milano (Italian, Swedish); Milăo (Portuguese)
  31. Modena: Modčne (French); Módena (Spanish)
  32. Monza e Brianza: Monza e della Brianza (variant)
  33. Naples: Napels (Dutch); Nápoles (Portuguese, Spanish); Napoli (Italian); Neapel (German, Swedish)
  34. Novara: Novare (French)
  35. Padua: Padoue (French); Padova (Italian, Swedish)
  36. Palermo: Palerme (French)
  37. Parma: Parme (French)
  38. Pavia: Pavie (French)
  39. Perugia: Pérouse (French); Perúgia (Portuguese)
  40. Pesaro e Urbino: Pesaro-et-Urbino (French); Pesaro-Urbino (variant); Pésaro y Urbino (Spanish)
  41. Piacenza: Plaisance (French)
  42. Pisa: Pise (French)
  43. Ragusa: Raguse (French)
  44. Ravenna: Rávena (Spanish); Ravenne (French)
  45. Reggio di Calabria: Reggio Calabria (variant); Reggio de Calabre (French)
  46. Reggio nell'Emilia: Reggio d'Émilie (French)
  47. Rome: Rom (Danish, German, Swedish); Roma (Italian, Portuguese, Spanish); Rooma (Finnish); Рим (Russian)
  48. Salerno: Salerne (French)
  49. Siena: Sienne (French)
  50. Syracuse: Siracusa (Italian, Spanish, Swedish); Syrakus (German)
  51. Taranto: Ionio (obsolete); Tarent (German); Tarente (French)
  52. Trento: Trente (French); Trient (German)
  53. Treviso: Trévise (French)
  54. Trieste: Triest (German)
  55. Turin: Torino (Italian); Turijn (Dutch); Turim (Portuguese)
  56. Udine: Friuli (obsolete)
  57. Venice: Venecia (Spanish); Venedig (German, Swedish); Venetsia (Finnish); Veneza (Portuguese); Venezia (Italian); Venise (French); Венеция (Russian)
  58. Verbano-Cusio-Ossola: Verbania (variant)
  59. Vercelli: Verceil (French)
  60. Verona: Vérone (French)
  61. Vicenza: Vicence (French)
  62. Viterbo: Viterbe (French)
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