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March, 2013

Changes affecting status:

  1. Chad: Ennedi region has split in two.
  2. Kenya: Reorganized from provinces into counties.

Other data added:

  1. Andorra: Added population history up to 2012.
  2. Austria: Added 2011 census data and filled in missing census data back to 1869.
  3. Congo (Kinshasa): Recent news about future provinces.
  4. Costa Rica: Added 2011 census data.
  5. Israel: Corrected a mistake in the 2008 populations.
  6. Luxembourg: Added 2011 census data.
  7. Seychelles: Added 2010 census data.
  8. United Kingdom: News about future changes.

Secondary divisions:

  1. Austria: Added 2011 census data and incorporated recently merged districts.
  2. Chad: There are six new departments.
  3. Costa Rica: Added 2011 census data.
  4. Luxembourg: Added 2011 census data.

Time zones:

  1. Haiti: is now using DST.
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