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Changes affecting status:

  1. France has changed the status of French Polynesia, Mayotte, and New Caledonia in recent years.
  2. Afghanistan: Daikondi province split from Oruzgan.
  3. Finland: According to ISO, Åland is now considered a separate country. I've added it to the Country Codes table.
  4. France: updated a capital name.
  5. French Southern Territories: Added subdivision into administrative circumscriptions.
  6. Indonesia: new province reported; two new provinces created.
  7. Iran: Khorasan province may be split into three provinces. Later, indications are that Khorasan province will not be split after all.
  8. Japan: name of capital of Saitama changed to Saitama.
  9. Kazakhstan: Two capitals changed.
  10. Korea, North: added to change history. Reported new changes found on other websites.
  11. Kuwait: New governorate created.
  12. Libya: Accepted the change to 34 municipalities as official; added to change history.
  13. Nepal: Concluded that zones are no longer in use as primary divisions.
  14. Nicaragua: split Zelaya department into two regions; updated populations to 1995 census.
  15. Qatar: new governorate created, according to FIPS.
  16. Russia: Perm' region and Komi-Permyak autonomous province will merge.
  17. Singapore: divided into five districts.
  18. Tokelau: Added atoll communities.
  19. Vietnam: two new provinces and one municipality; corrected some capitals, added 1999 census.

Other data added:

  1. ISO issued an update to the standard for primary subdivisions, with changes to Afghanistan, Albania, China, Colombia, Indonesia, Morocco, North Korea, South Africa, and Tunisia. The change for North Korea involved only metadata, with no effect on anything reported on this site.
  2. FIPS Publication Change Notice No. 9, affecting FIPS PUB 10-4, was issued on 2004-10-01. It includes updates to Afghanistan, Albania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Malawi, Mali, Qatar, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Yemen, and Yugoslavia.
  3. Updated the first two factoids lists using new China data.
  4. A couple of updates to IOC codes were made on the Country Codes page.
  5. Algeria: Added 1948 and 1954 census data; minor corrections.
  6. American Samoa: Added 1990 and 2000 census data.
  7. Andorra: Added postal codes.
  8. Anguilla: Added to change history.
  9. Antigua and Barbuda: Added capitals.
  10. Argentina: Added 2001 census data.
  11. Armenia: updated populations to 2001 census.
  12. Åland: Added HASC codes; minor correction to Finnish names.
  13. Barbados: Added 1990 census data.
  14. Bolivia: Added population history, NUTE codes, and some change history.
  15. Botswana: Added to the change history.
  16. Brazil: Correction to the change history.
  17. Bulgaria: Added 1946 census data.
  18. Canada: revised areas and other minor modifications.
  19. Cape Verde: Added statistical codes for counties and other minor additions.
  20. Central African Republic: Added to change history.
  21. Chile: Added 2002 census data.
  22. China: Revised codes, populations, and areas using fresh data. Added alphabetic Guobiao codes.
  23. Colombia: added NUTE codes.
  24. Congo (Brazzaville): Additional information about Cuvette-Ouest region.
  25. Costa Rica: Added 2000 census data.
  26. Country Codes: Minor changes to "distinguishing signs", and correction to the status of Western Sahara.
  27. Cyprus: added 2001 census.
  28. Denmark: added 2000 census and populations 1800-1901; improved postal code data.
  29. Egypt: New population estimates.
  30. France: Corrected minor errors in change history.
  31. Gabon: replaced preliminary 1993 census data with final data.
  32. Gambia: Added 2003 census data.
  33. Germany: New population figures.
  34. Ghana: added 2000 census data.
  35. Guyana: added areas of regions.
  36. Hong Kong: Updated populations to 2001 census.
  37. India: added vehicle codes.
  38. Indonesia: Updated populations and areas in accordance with final census results. Added population history.
  39. Iran: Added province domain codes, corrected some areas.
  40. Italy: added 2001 census data, areas of new provinces.
  41. Jamaica: Added 2001 census data.
  42. Japan: Updated populations to 2000 census.
  43. Jordan: Added 1994 census data.
  44. Kazakhstan: More explanation of Bayqonyr. More origins of names.
  45. Kenya: Added 1999 census data; added to change history.
  46. Korea, South: Used new Hangeul romanization more consistently. Added to change history. Reported plans to move the capital.
  47. Kyrgyzstan: Added 1999 census data, population history, and alternate names.
  48. Latvia: added populations and areas. Called the independent cities primary subdivisions.
  49. Liberia: Added to change history, displayed current divisions.
  50. Libya: Added 1995 census data.
  51. Lithuania: Added areas and updated populations.
  52. Luxembourg: Added change history and population history, up to 2001 census.
  53. Macau: Updated populations to 2001 census.
  54. Madagascar: Added 2001 population estimates.
  55. Mauritania: Added 2000 census data.
  56. Mexico: Extended change history back to before 1776.
  57. Micronesia: Added 1999 population estimates.
  58. Mongolia: Replaced preliminary 2000 census data with final data.
  59. Morocco: Added 1994 populations and areas for regions, under Change history.
  60. Mozambique: Changed total population, with explanation. Added postal codes.
  61. Namibia: Added 2001 census data. Made areas more precise. Added variant capitals and name origins. Added to change history. Added codes and capitals, with more background.
  62. Nepal: Added 2001 census data.
  63. Netherlands Antilles: described reorganization plan.
  64. Northern Mariana Islands: Discussion of country's capital.
  65. Norway: Added 2001 census, changed areas.
  66. Oman: Added 2003 census data and areas.
  67. Papua New Guinea: Updated populations; identified regions for each province.
  68. Poland: Added NUTS codes.
  69. Portugal: updated populations and areas to 2001 census. Described new divisions that will be implemented soon. Updated time zones.
  70. Russia: Added early change history.
  71. Rwanda: Added 1991 census data.
  72. Saint Pierre and Miquelon: Added 1999 census data. Added INSEE codes.
  73. Slovakia: Updated populations to 2001.
  74. South Africa: Added 2001 census data.
  75. Spain: Added 2001 census data.
  76. Sri Lanka: Added 2001 census data and district codes.
  77. Sudan: Minor amendment to change history (1991).
  78. Taiwan: added 2000 census.
  79. Tanzania: added population history, changed a few areas.
  80. Togo: Added links to old maps.
  81. Turkmenistan: some capitals changed names.
  82. Uganda: Updated 2002 populations, added 1980 and 1991 data.
  83. Ukraine: Improved populations and areas.
  84. United States: Added details to change history in 1850-1867 period.
  85. Uruguay: Added to population history.
  86. Uzbekistan: Added areas of regions.
  87. Venezuela: Added 2001 census data.
  88. Virgin Islands, U.S.: Added 2000 census data.
  89. Yemen: Added to the change history. Changed name of the capital of Al Jawf.
  90. Zambia: Added 2000 census data.
  91. Zimbabwe: Added 2002 census results.

Secondary divisions:

FIPS Publication Change Notice No. 9, affecting FIPS PUB 10-4, was issued on 2004-10-01. It includes updates to the communes of Slovenia.

  1. Algeria: added communes.
  2. American Samoa: Added 2000 census data.
  3. Argentina: Added 2001 census data. Some changes to divisions.
  4. Belize: added subdivisions.
  5. Bolivia: added NUTE codes, capitals, change history.
  6. Botswana: Added sub-districts.
  7. Canada: Mentioned new planning regions in Nunavut.
  8. Cape Verde: Added the parishes.
  9. Central African Republic: Added to change history. Added 19 new sub-prefectures.
  10. China: Updated list of secondary divisions.
  11. Colombia: updated to 2002, added NUTE and DANE codes, areas, and capitals.
  12. Congo (Brazzaville): Added districts.
  13. Costa Rica: Added 2000 census data.
  14. Czech Republic: Added population, areas, and NUTS codes. There is a report that the districts are no longer functioning.
  15. Finland: Removed Åland.
  16. Gambia: Added 2003 census data.
  17. Germany: Some administrative districts merged.
  18. Ghana: added districts.
  19. Guinea: added subprefectures.
  20. Iceland: added municipalities.
  21. Indonesia: updated list of regencies.
  22. Iran: Updated list of districts to 2002. Added to change history.
  23. Italy: added communes.
  24. Japan: added counties.
  25. Jordan: Added sub-districts; added variant names.
  26. Kyrgyzstan: Added more independent towns; added alternate names.
  27. Lithuania: Added the municipalities.
  28. Luxembourg: Added cantons.
  29. Macau: Added parishes.
  30. Madagascar: Added 2001 population estimates. New subdivisions called regions.
  31. Mayotte: Added total population of country from 2002 census.
  32. Mongolia: added soums.
  33. Namibia: Added the constituencies. Added variant names.
  34. Nepal: Added 2001 census data. Changed HASC codes to represent regions rather than zones.
  35. Netherlands: Added most recent changes.
  36. Nicaragua: added municipalities.
  37. Norway: added change history, municipality areas.
  38. Oman: added wilayat.
  39. Pakistan: Added a note about districts in F.A.T.A.
  40. Palau: minor corrections.
  41. Portugal: updated populations and areas to 2001 census.
  42. Slovakia: Updated populations to 2001.
  43. Sri Lanka: Added divisions.
  44. Svalbard and Jan Mayen: corrected an area.
  45. Taiwan: added 2000 census.
  46. Tanzania: added areas, revised populations and some capitals.
  47. Togo: Added the prefectures.
  48. Turkmenistan: added districts.
  49. Uganda: Updated counties to 2002, added population.
  50. Ukraine: Added raions. Made minor revisions, including two new raions.
  51. United States: Alaska borough seats; Broomfield county FIPS code.
  52. Uzbekistan: Added the districts.
  53. Virgin Islands, U.S.: Added 2000 census data.
  54. Zambia: Added district populations.
  55. Zimbabwe: Added the districts.

Time zones:

  1. Argentina: Added new zone information, along with a history. Some DST changes occurred ahead of schedule.
  2. Brazil: Revised historical data. DST change dates for 2004-2005 announced.
  3. Uruguay: has adopted daylight saving time.

Site design changes:

Began a project to include all information from the book "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries".

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